“‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Linda Harvey
Mission America

There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward children– depraved and aggressive– and it’s now more  obvious than ever.

The Florida Parental Rights Bill (HB 1557) reveals the crass, exploitative underbelly of “gay” activism and is a threat to the prize target of many wayward adults—vulnerable children.

This important bill recently signed by Governor Ron DeSantis protects children in kindergarten through third grade from homosexual and gender deviance indoctrination in lessons, books and so on. It also prohibits schools from withholding physical/mental health information from a parent.

The law makes perfect sense and . . . elicited a furious reaction from the “LGBTQ” community.

The sexual anarchy lobby named the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill and even organized walkouts of mostly high school students, showing a limited understanding of what the bill does. . . .

Disney has already pledged, in apparent retaliation for the bill, the addition of more “queerness” (many more sexually deviant characters) to its programming. Click here to continue reading.

Related Articles:

Public School or Homeschool?—How Public Schools Are Corrupting Children’s Values by Berit Kjos and Maria Kneas

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission; design by LT)

3 thoughts on ““‘Don’t Allow Grooming’ Bill Exposes ‘LGBTQ” Child Agenda”

  1. I’ve taught in public schools for 40 yrs, 6th gr to college freshmen. I stand against all the aggregate amoral practices and ideas being taught in schools today. That being said, I see no way to keep children safe from this filth unless one homeschools, or sends them to charters or to private religious schools. The drumbeat of pedophilia is now being added. Pictures of adult/child sex , plus homosexual sex, plus any other sexual practices are in their classroom curriculum and in bks in the library. The perverts keep trying to multiply their presence. They are devious and devilish. I have helped fight this at the state level, and it just keeps growing. I fear preachers, legislators, teachers, etc. won’t stand against legalizing pedophilia. Look at the SC justice our so called leaders just picked who has given numerous pedophiles reduced sentences and cannot even describe what a women is. I pray every day about this, but I see little improvement. End times, here we come.

  2. I don’t really see the bill as a victory…it’s pretty sad when you can only keep some children safe and others not so much. Are they even working on a bill for 4th grade and above or are they just happy with what they’ve got?

    Evil is truly becoming good in this clown world. And is this just the beginning for pedophilia normalization? I’ve often read that they want to add it to their perverted alphabet.

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