Ecumenical Prayers Vs. Preaching the Gospel

By Dave Hunt
The Berean Call

Prayer breakfasts often promote the appealing lie that God will bless the plans of anyone who calls upon Him to do so. Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and atheists are all welcomed and nothing must be said at such ecumenical gatherings that might offend those of “other faiths.” Therefore, speakers generally offer the same self-centered gospel which is being preached from many pulpits today—a gospel which leads the hearers to imagine that sin is not our problem, we just have messed-up lives which God is eager to mend. This “God’s” sole purpose is to make us happy and successful. The “converts” of such endeavors are excited that by their “decision for Christ,” God is now on their side and will bless their lives. God’s justice, integrity, honor and glory have no part in this humanistic “Christianity.” One is given the distinct impression that God is just as eager to bless Caesar if we but ask.

Christ has not commissioned us to improve this evil world, but to call out of the world for heavenly citizenship repentant sinners who are stricken with the awful guilt of their rebellion against God. He has not commanded us to “dialogue” in order to come to a mutually advantageous arrangement with the enemies of the Cross, but to preach the gospel and uncompromisingly contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints. May He enable us, with pure hearts, to glorify Him and not man, and to seek the honor that comes from God only.

3 thoughts on “Ecumenical Prayers Vs. Preaching the Gospel

  1. Amen! Well said! Actually preaching the gospel takes a lot of courage as the gospel is offensive as it was in Jesus day……. “come out from among them and be ye separate” is more important than ever today.

  2. Read ( 2 Timothy 3:2-5) and ( 2 Timothy 4:-3,4) A form of Godliness with a real denial of its power? Pleasure lovers rather than God lovers? The signs of the end of the dispensation of Grace are clearly with us. Preach the Gospel!!

  3. Thank you again for this good article. Worldly philosophy never lines up with the truth. To stand up for biblical truth is so very important but so seldom done. Too many people are most concerned with fitting in and being popular. Praise the Lord for believers who are warriors and brave and stand for our Lord Jesus Christ. All glory, all honor, and all praise to Him.

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