Emergent Road Show Receives Sponsorship From Major Organizations

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Three “of the most outspoken” leaders of the emerging church (Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, and Mark Scandrette) will be going on a national road tour this summer and are receiving sponsorship from several large organizations. Some of those sponsors are Christianbook.com, Jossey-Bass, Compassion International, International Bible Society, and Zondervan.

The three men will hit 32 cities with their message of “a 21st century gospel.” Pagitt states they are taking their “invitation of hope and good news to people around the country. . . preaching a fresh way of life and faith–one that is in rhythm with the life of God.” Unfortunately, this “fresh way” consists of a message that contradicts the gospel message of the Bible.

Doug Pagitt, pastor of Solomon’s Porch in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is an advocate of Christian yoga. In his book, Church Re-Imagined, Pagitt devotes most of one chapter to the subject, speaking of it in a most favorable manner, giving specific instruction and encouraging the practice.

Mark Scandrette, a contributing author of An Emergent Manifesto of Hope (edited by Jones and Pagitt), believes that all things are interconnected–his writing emulates Leonard Sweet’s Theory of Everything, in which a new kingdom is arising, one that will bring all humanity and all creation into unity with God. Scandrette refers to this as “integrative theology” (p. 27 of the Manifesto). For more information on integrative or integral theology, see the work of Buddhist proponent Ken Wilber (but please view this site with caution and discernment, and it is not for young eyes).

In Tony Jones’ recent book, The New Christians, he makes it clear that he does not see the Bible as an authority on truth and says that “theology” cannot be set in concrete or pinned down. In his book and in others he has authored, he resonates with mysticism, an earmark of emerging spirituality.

As Roger Oakland points out in Faith Undone, the emerging church movement was birthed with significant financial backing–and now, based on the sponsors of the Jones/Pagitt/Scandrette road tour, it looks like nothing has changed, and the merging-together-with-all-faiths movement will continue on its course of deception.

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