“Explosive” Consequences if High Court Affirms Homosexual “Marriage”

By Heather Clark
Christian News Network

As the Supreme Court heard oral argument yesterday in the case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, otherwise known as the California’s Proposition 8 challenge, and will hear argument today in United States v. Windsor, otherwise known as the effort to overturn the federal Defense of Marriage Act, pro-family groups across the nation are expressing concern over the potential ramifications for the country if the Supreme Court rules in favor of homosexual “marriage.”

“This would be a devastating setback for our country,” Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality told Christian News Network. “This would be the Roe v. Wade of the homosexual issue. … This could really create a crisis for our country.”

“The ramifications for all of society would be absolutely explosive,” agreed attorney Stephen Crampton of the Christian legal group Liberty Counsel. “I think we have not taken adequate stock of what we’re playing with here. This is a radioactive kind of issue.” Click here to continue reading.