1. Ross

    Isn’t that verse in Psalm 19 grand to say the least: “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.”? Rick Warren and company are, apart from many other things, missing out on the cleanliness of the fear of God. It keeps us clean – like a shower after a tiring and dirt-ridden day, only much more wonderful! Thankyou for the solidity of your reverence for God’s holy Word.

  2. Carl

    Bravo for Warren! He hit the rock of error with a mighty hammer. Bravo for correct doctrine! God’s word is like a fire that burns up the wood, hay and stubble in people’s lives and a hammer that breaks the stones of unbelief and error in people’s heart. Never a more timely word. Keep up the much needed work of shining the Light.

  3. John J

    And yet, with mine ears, I heard: “You’d better fear US should you and your son leave (a little camouflaged cult) for which we had never signed up in the first place, hehe, in order to get my son’s girlfriend, now wife, our of there), this assembly, the ONLY right way to the ONLY savvrin’ god in the entire region (about a small US state). Cursed you’ll be.”

    Well, I ran home, hugged my teddy, and ate 35 marshmallows, What did the devil say again? It was so long ago, I have forgotten. But he and his henchman wanted to be feared.

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