1. Frank Schlernitzauer

    Problem with Calvinists like John MacArthur is they are self confident in their own understanding(s). Proverbs talks about them calling them fools in KJV of Proverbs 26:7 & 9. Looked up this word in Hebrew means [thee] self confident, who of course leans unto his own understanding.
    Used to like, trust MacArthur until heard him preach/teach on Mt 13:33, his interpretation with not one supporting scripture is that the leaven is actually the word of God and it will fill and convert the world.

  2. Acts 16:31

    This is the simple truth. Either you are born again before you believe the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) as Calvinism teaches, or you are born again after you believe the gospel as the Bible teaches. You DO have free will, period to choose, they say you don’t. I will not argue with them about it because just like any other cult they are brainwashed, period. Another gospel is accursed. Galatians 1:6-9.

  3. Elizabeth Alcala-Bennett

    The Bible says that if we have the Holy Spirit within us we will be able to understand God’s Word. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob tells us over and over again what He wants us to know; truths are repeated . So the meaning is plain and simple if you diligently read and study God’s Word daily, in my opinion.

  4. Yes. It was released last week but I’m not sure where you can get one other than at my church. It’s very well researched.
    I will check with him and I’ll email you directly.

  5. Carol

    Spencer Smith has a video on YouTube called “Fundamentalism vs. Neo Evangelicalism” – Special Guest: Dr. Bob Dalton. He mentions one of his books, not the one listed here but gives an email address for Dalton where you might get it.

  6. He just released it last week. My church had a bunch of copies. Beacon Baptist, Jupiter, Fl
    Call the office and they can get you one. I’ll ask Dr. Dalton when it will be on Amazon too:.

  7. Nathan St. Marsaille

    Calvinism errs on virtually every point of the redemption. But the greatest error is the horrible picture of God. Calvinism misrepresents God and His Son — misrepresents the attitude and intention of God towards ALL of the human race. I also find it to be significant that Calvinists preachers like MacArthur do not clearly preach the doctrines of Calvinism on their TV programs. Some Calvinist pastors rarely, if ever, preach those doctrines in their churchs. Why not if that is their gospel? Why not openly preach the doctrine of unconditional election — that God has already ordained who will be saved and who will not be saved? Why not preach the doctrine of limited atonement — that Jesus Christ did not, nor did He ever intend to die, for the entire human race — but only for, “the elect?” Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” If Calvinists are not, then they need to start preaching their truth — which is not God’s Truth — without concern. Doesn’t the real Truth set people free?

  8. What a wonderful article!
    I am shocked by Calvinists lack of research into Calvin’s life and the genesis of his gnostic, fatalistic theology. Calvin was a brutal, violent man, who tortured Jacque Gruet twice a day for 30 days before crucifying him. Why? Minor theological differences. We all know how he burned his one time friend, Michael Servetus, slowly and painfully because he wasn’t a Trinitarian and didn’t believe in infant baptism. A retired professor at my church, Dr. Bob Dalton, just wrote an excellent book on this, and the beginnings of Calvinism. It’s an excellent, enlightening read:

    John Calvin: The Pope of the Protestant Inquisition

  9. David Vian

    A purebiblesearch dot com is the best King James Bible search software with having the Webster’s 1828 and 1913 Dictionary. This software can be installed on IOS, Windows, Linux, Android.

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