FOLLOW UP on Brian McLaren’s Plea for Money – Wants to Re-Organize the Emerging Church Movement

LTRP Note: For the past several years, since 2007 when Roger Oakland’s expose on the emerging church (Faith Undone) came out, some figures in the emerging church tried to say that the emerging church was dead. We knew that was not true, even though at times there were efforts to change the name of the movement. Now Brian McLaren, one of the pioneers of the modern day emerging church movement (and an informal advisor to Obama during his campaign) has come forth asking for large amounts of money to help organize the emerging church movement. He is thinking it could possibly be called Emergence Christianity.

“Donation plea: Brian McLaren Responds”
From Stand Up For the Truth

Brian McLaren (foreground) and Tony Jones, Yal...

Last week on his blog, Emergent guru Brian McLaren asked for large sums of money to go to a project to be named later. Those who were interested could write to him at a “Happy To Help” email address. Here is the response email I received this evening:

Dear friends …

Thanks so much for responding to my recent request for help. What follows is general information and requires no action now. I’ll be back in touch in a week or so with a more personal note and information about next steps.

Here’s the big idea.

For some time I (along with many others) have been seeing the need for some kind of small, non-competitive hub to serve – not control – the many networks that are spontaneously forming and developing in this general space we’ve all been opening but haven’t figured out how to name yet … Emergence Christianity, Convergence Christianity, a new kind of Christianity, Christianity for the rest of us, missional Christianity, progressive Christianity, generous orthodoxy, Red-Letter Christianity, Just Faith, etc. To continue reading this, click here.

Related Articles from Lighthouse Trails:

 How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging Into Your Church by Roger Oakland

A “New” Dark Age – In Politics and in the Church  by Mike Oppenheimer

Some Say Emerging Church in “Disarray and Decline” – Evidence Shows Differently

Missionary or Missional – The Emerging Church “On a Mission from God”  by Bob DeWaay

Brian McLaren Wants End Time Believing Christians Robustly Confronted