Four Men and Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity

By Sandy Simpson
Deception in the Church

Four men changed the world into their postmodern, communist, evolutionist, materialist, Narcissistic concept of reality.  There are also four books that have corrupted Christianity worldwide.  The four men who changed the world, not for the better, were Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud.


                                                Nietzsche                                                            Marx                                                              Darwin                                                    Freud        



Debunking the traditional conceptions of both God and man, thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud portrayed humans not as moral and spiritual beings, but as animals or machines who inhabited a universe ruled by purely impersonal forces and whose behavior and very thoughts were dictated by the unbending forces of biology, chemistry, and environment. This materialistic conception of reality eventually infected virtually every area of our culture, from politics and economics to literature and art. (The Wedge Strategy, by Keith Lankford,

The four books that have changed the church by giving an introduction to the false teachings of the New Apostolic/Latter Rain (NAR), the Emerging Church/Contemplative/Catholic Mysticism (EC), pragmatic Church Growth (CG) methodologies of C. Peter Wagner, Robert Schuller and Peter Drucker, and the teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) are as follows:


 These four books were widely read by Christians from virtually every denominational background before their ramifications and the movements they would spawn were known.  They lay error alongside truth so were considered not to be a threat to churches.  Therefore these books then became part of the consciousness of many Christians and churches, thereby laying the basis for the introduction of the modern day false teachings of the NAR, EC, CG and WCGIP that have become part of the landscape of Christendom today. Click here to read more.

1 thought on “Four Men and Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity

  1. I have recently encountered Sandy’s website” deception in the church”. I feel like I am walking in a daze. Everything I have known my entire life-changing deception. I thank God for this website. I thank God for this truth. I have many questions and wonder if there is anyone I can contact. Thank you for the great detail in your information. I really need to know how to share these truths with family and friends. The things I have learned are deeply embedded in our culture. I am desperately seeking a mentor. A friend. I have abandoned my church. I’m so alone. Thanks, Gina

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