by Roger Oakland
Evolution, according to its biological definition, is a mechanism that changes life through time. Although for years, many have used the idea of evolution to explain away God, there are many today who are saying, because of evolution, everything is God. This trend is obvious in Great Britain, the very country where Charles Darwin authored his theory – physics has turned into metaphysics? How is this possible?
Glastonbury is situated in the southern part of England. From antiquity, Glastonbury has been known as a mystical center where numerous people have made the claim they have encountered the spiritual realm. Many and fantastic are the legends, a mythology which is still alive and growing today. Every year people go there from all over the world seeking spiritual solutions to their physical problems.
I had the opportunity to visit Glastonbury in the spring of 1997 while I was in England. I had just spent a couple of days researching the life of Charles Darwin and investigating the impact this man had on so many lives. His message, centered on natural selection and survival of the fittest, still shapes the thinking of evolutionists today. His motive, a disdain for Christianity, provides the basis for the “scientific” view there is no need for the supernatural. Today, throughout England and around the world, numerous monuments erected in his honor called “natural history museums,” project his beliefs as if he were God.
My trip to Glastonbury and Stonehenge revealed another aspect of Darwinism that most “evolutionary biologists” are not thrilled to discuss. The idea of natural selection may have been designed to explain God away, but in reality, through time, it has been the catalyst which has created an environment which has done exactly the opposite. It seems there has been a major shift in thinking over the past few decades. Our present generation has become frustrated with believing in naturalism. Now they are willing to believe that anything and everything is God.
There is no question mysticism and superstition, which modern science was supposed to have eliminated, has made a comeback in Great Britain. The shops in Glastonbury were filled with spiritual paraphernalia which would make one think we had returned to the pagan past.
At the core of these resurrected ideas was the basic belief in evolution. Man, according to the “new spirituality,” is on the verge of taking a giant leap of evolution. “Space brothers” or “spiritual guides,” whom it is believed have evolved to a “higher lever,” are waiting for us to make the leap. Meanwhile, worldly intellects are encouraged to spend their time practicing yoga, humming mantras or rubbing crystals. There are many ways to contact the “gods.”
I am fascinated with how evolution has evolved over the years – from mysticism to Darwinism then back to mysticism again. History has repeated itself, just as it has done many times before. The only thing that is unique this time is that “evolutionary mysticism” is a global religion. The Bible describes this current trend as “Christian Babylonianism.”
P.S. Their tolerance for Darwin’s racial prejudice in the name of rejecting the Creator shows ranks hypocrisy.
I am continually astounded that the full title of Darwin’s seminal work is On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races — yet no “politically correct” person or movement ever sees fit to point out the clear prejudice in its title! And now many of them actually BELIEVE that aliens out there somewhere in the wild blue yonder “seeded” human beings on earth! I’ve been shocked that so-called educated people actually put their faith in such nonsense theories. And all because they refuse to believe in and trust in God…
T. I. Miller
Darwinism is used to deny the biblical account of of the creation of man and more importantly the fall of man. The original sin of Adam being passed on to all of mankind was rejected. The need for a redeemer is rejected. From there came the idea that all are basically good. that all bad behavior is learned behavior. Therefore man and society could be perfected. They want a Utopian world as long as God is not in the picture. Being reduced to star dust and an accident of nature left them with a huge spiritual vacuum in their souls. Refusing to have God rule over them, it is no surprise they would embrace any number of Satan’s spiritual deceptions. Mystic religions, metaphysics, links all false beliefs together.
It will probably be the way to explain the Rapture. Higher beings that took away those that had reached the higher plain of belief. In the 70’s we had heard that the government is already to explain away the Rapture with their tale of UFO’s in newspapers, tv news, magazines, and (now) the internet. Just another way to control the masses that refused God and Christ Jesus. People searching for truth of why everything is and how it came to be, will hold onto anything that is not from the Bible. If ignorance is bliss, they are the most blissful people on Earth. Very sad.