Front Page Mag: “Why Do Leftists Love Hamas So Much?—The Romance With Barbarism”

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. Courtesy of Olive Tree Ministries.

By John Nantz
Front Page Magazine

As reports of Hamas war crimes, inhuman atrocity, and medieval Muhammadist brutality continue to stream into our consciousness, a steady parade of terror apologists bugle their inveterate support for all things barbaric.

We’ve heard unimaginably callous statements from The Squad, Ivy League students, and the “social justice” organization BLM regarding the manifold cruelties perpetrated on Israeli citizens. Hamas swine have carried out their diabolical tasks with a relish not witnessed since the genocidal mania displayed by Hitler, Mengele, and Himmler.

Then, as now, the usual suspects have appeared to offer their heartfelt support for the forces of tyranny and homicide. The New York Times famously lent the considerable weight of its  commentary to the budding dictator and would-be second coming of Alexander the Great — Adolph Hitler. You’d have thought the Times learned a lesson with Adolph, but the Grey Lady’s sages swooned for the Iron Curtain and one of history’s most accomplished butchers, Joseph Stalin. Click here to continue reading.

1 thought on “Front Page Mag: “Why Do Leftists Love Hamas So Much?—The Romance With Barbarism”

  1. The common denominators are: deception and an hyper-adversarial bent against all things good, and of God.

    The left/Woke/progressive crowd is so deceived that they have an inverted reality, where good is evil, and evil is good. Therefore they will easily default to being against what is good, and for what is bad/evil.

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