1. SusanJ

    I understand all that Jeffry. I know how the drug has been used for many years for many conditions. But as far as I can tell, by internet searching, there has not been a proper trial that has proven it safe and effective in treating Covid19. That is what is needed…..

  2. Jeffry

    Dear SusanJ, Yale professor of Epidemiology DR. Harvey Risch Endorses Anti-Covid drugs Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycine and Zinc together to cure the Coronavirus. Hundreds of High Risk patients have been cured with no deaths. He also said thousands of lives can still be saved. His video on u-tube has probably been removed. I have seen at least 7 videos with different Doctors that have been removed. Hydroxychloroquine has been around for 65 years.

  3. SusanJ

    with all respect – There is a reason these videos get removed. Hydroxychloroquine has not yet been proved safe and a success in treating Covid-19 in trials. Every country desperately needs to be able to treat and cure, as cheaply as possible. It has not just been warned against in the USA so it is not a political discussion.
    The UK proved inexpensive dexamathasone had some success in reducing deaths in a trial. As soon as that came out it became standard treatment, but not before.

    The video needed removing as it will do harm.

  4. Crystal Johnson

    that was amazing CJ….but has the treatment spread out or been taken seriously!! Great he was a Christian too! 🙂 thank you for sharing.

  5. Elizabeth Bennett

    I do not understand why most countries are using the China model for lockdowns. I am surprised that Israel and the U.S. were fooled into using it. The lockdowns are causing irreparable damage to economies, families and societies. The masks and social distancing are contributing to more depression, along with church and school closures. The left has cruelly doubled down on its mandates that are not based on science. The lockdown is trying to kill the spirit of Judeo-Christian citizens, as David Horowitz details in his book, Dark Agenda, which he wrote before the Wuhan Virus. The WHO and CDC are leftists. Many Christians have been fooled into thinking the lockdown is necessary. There are at least 2 simple cures for this virus.

  6. Jeffry

    Sadly, the brave Doctors in the video are quickly being silenced by the media that is owned by The New One World Government. Doctors of the CDC and others are saying that their tests/statistics are wrong. The New Normal is being rammed down our throats. So what does COVID-19 mean to them? Money Maker? A world crisis to bankrupt our nation? Finding out how many sheeple in our country? Seeing how long we will actually wear these stupid masks? Again sadly, are Americans to involved in pleasure and watching sports even after most of the athletes are taking a knee (bowing down) when the National Anthem is being Played? Very Sad. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

  7. Elizabeth Bennett

    I called my pharmacy and asked if they have hydroxychloroquin and he said only in limited quantities and only with a doctor’s prescription. In some countries you can buy it over the counter. I love that doctor from Africa! I think her name is Dr. Immanuel. I wish she could be my doctor. They call her The Warrior. Her 350 covid patients all survived using the hydroxy.

  8. GJ

    Don’t know if legit… was sent this a few weeks ago about a Dallas, TX doctor’s treatment

    Coronavirus Treatment – In the country of Taiwan, there are 25 million people. They are literally stacked on top of one another. There is no possible way for social distancing – and yet there have only been seven deaths due to coronavirus. The same is true in Japan. Watch the YouTube video below to find out why the number of deaths in these two countries has been so low compared to mainland China, Italy, Spain and the United States.
    Dr Richard Bartlett ACWT Interview 7 2 20

  9. Elizabeth Bennett

    The left and pharmacies are allowing patients to die by barring the use of Hydroxychloroquin treatment. Dems don’t care that their policies and lies are killing Americans. Very distressing to me. The lockdowns are also killing Americans and taking away our freedoms. It is refreshing to finally hear the truth. Fauci and the CDC have not helped us since they are mostly leftists.

  10. Jeffry

    The video tells it all. The drug HDQ. can cure the coronavirus. Pray for these brave Doctors that are giving us the truth.

  11. Jeffry

    All Christians need to pray for all of the Doctors that are trying to tell the truth about the coronavirus. HDQ. is the cheap drug that will cure us from the coronavirus. Facebook, U-Tube, Twitter and Google have been removing this video as fast as they can because it tells the Truth. Keep trying these four sites because the Doctors continue to return to these sites to tell us the Truth. Again their are three types of Liars. Liars, Dam Liars and in this case Government Liars. Why is our Government trying to keep the truth from us? People are still dying from coronavirus. Do we live in a Communist country?? This is sick! We Americans need to wake up to what is going on in our country.

  12. Tess

    Trump Jr was on Fox news tonight talking about this. He was also banned from twitter. Maybe there is hope. Praying for the president.

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