1. Tim Smith

    Can you send please provide a list of test questions to ask the church leaders

    Such as do they stand with or against the word of faith cult

    such as Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer etc

    Are they preparing and protecting the flock ? Calling out these mega celebrity pastors and the educating the sheep who the wolves are and what they believe that contradicts scripture

    Every believer needs to ask test questions before attending

    Thank you for your help

  2. John J

    And I’m glad for every warning from Lighthouse Trails and its fine authors, for who will send his friend into a lion’s den, knowing his friend is going to be devoured?

    Shall we ask Lighthouse to start printing real-life examples of these places of darkness? Interview people who’ve been thrown to the wolves, cursed, bullied, abused . . . all in the name of some false man-made religion? Sure?

  3. We are sad to say that finding a solid (not perfect) Bible-believing church today is growing more and more difficult. Some end up gathering with their families and friends in homes (“where two or more are gathered”); then there are those who have found good churches for which they are so thankful. We cannot recommend any denomination as a whole; but there are good churches still within some of the denominations. It has to be looked at on a church-by-church basis, and a lot of it has to do with the pastor and other church leaders. We have a booklet about this that might be helpful: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=28291. We’d be happy to send a free copy to anyone reading this including you Mike. Just send your name and mailing address to editors@lighthousetrails.com.

  4. Mike

    I’m curious what denomination or church LHT might recommend today. Not saying you’re wrong but in your latest articles you’ve eliminated Calvinist churches, churches aligning with spiritual formation, liberal churches and those that promote CRT and social justice, emergent/mega churches, and the growing liberal Southern Baptists. Is there anything left that you’d recommend so we don’t forsake the assembly? There aren’t any in my area that don’t come under one or two of these categories.

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