1. Jerry Sims

    Thank you brother for just giving to us the riches of the word and its positive message at a time when it is so needed. Your friend Pastor Jerry

  2. Jeffry

    A excellent study for us Warren, thank you. Watching and Discerning the Democratic Party see’s many democrats that seem to be Demonic in their words and actions. It looks like a totalitarian system is coming. They are out of control. Warren’s list of scripture is a great help. Read and study all of them. One comment. The Old Testament gives us 7 Feasts of Jehovah to his earthly people and gives 1 feast in the New Testament for all Christians. The feast of the Lord’s Supper. I remember Henry Ironside saying that when he was at Moody Bible to preach the gospel he and some Pastors use to Break Bread in a little room at at the front of the church before he spoke. He said it was what Christians should do every Lord’s Day, Till He Comes. Dear Christians ,the Lord loves us and loves our worship to Him. We should come on Lord’s day prepared to worship His Son The Lord Jesus Christ, we should proclaim His Death Till He Comes for us. Church’s are under attack by corrupt government. Gather in homes if we can’t use are church buildings, where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my Name their am I in the midst of them. Pray, Remember Him, thank Him, come with thanksgiving, fellowship with Him and other Christians and worship the One who Loves us and washed away our sins with His own Blood. Even so, Come Lord Jesus.

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