Government takeover of the Land of the Free? Executive Order Signs Away Rights of the People

LTRP Note: Another sign of the time and a diminishment of freedom.

Executive Order: National Defense Resources Preparedness

By  Judi McLeod (Canadian Free Press)

…Early Sunday morning and the AWOL mainstream media has missed the proverbial boat on the latest Executive Order signed Friday by President  Barack Hussein Obama.

Executive Order “National Defense Resources Preparedness”, in effect nationalizes all the energy, food and water currently existing on American soil.

The EO is cunningly covered under the auspices of Peace Time Martial Law at the discretion of one man.

Although now posted on the Drudge Report, at the time of this writing, only scant reportage on the Web about the signing away of liberty  and individual rights.

Tea Party leaders and patriots doing Paul Revere duty by disseminating the news of Obama’s latest executive order must have sent word to websites other than Canada Free Press (CFP) overnight.

As large as life, Executive Order “National Defense Resources Preparedness” is up there on the White House website, or as one patriot wrote in her email: “Hot off the Government press”. Click here to read more. (If you click on this link, you will be able to read the executive order signed by Barack Obama.)