LTRP Note: Today, a pastor sent Lighthouse Trails the link to the following news article. In view of our article on 7/11/11, “The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church,” we post this news item. Bishop David Ricken who led Mass at Lifefest is on the Bishops Advisory Council at Creighton University, a Jesuit school.
By Cheryl Anderson
Green Bay Press Gazette
OSHKOSH — Bishop David Ricken always wanted to go to Lifest. But since taking over as head of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay in 2008, something else always came up. . . .
[Bishop] Ricken led 9 a.m. Mass from the Thrivent Café Stage on the final day of the 13th annual Lifest celebration at Sunnyview Expo Center. Hundreds worshipped as intermittent showers trickled down on the large tent. . . .
Protestant devotions, a children’s service and the Catholic Mass each were held separately before joint worship at 11 a.m. on the grandstand featuring Lenz; Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., and head of the international Harvest Crusades. Click here to read entire story.
Bishop [Ricken]: Virgin Mary apparition did appear:
To understand more about the Mass and the Mary apparitions, please read Another Jesus by Roger Oakland.
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