By Eric Barger
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:28, 31
Last night I went to the store. That statement is not a Facebook post as, sadly, that’s about as deep as many posts on social media get these days. No, last evening’s trip, which included stops at three large stores, is worthy of note only because so many shelves were bare. Unusual and troubling, I was experiencing one of those moments that I had only imagined many times before.
We here in the United States and Canada take for granted our ability to go to the store 24/7/365. We expect to find the shelves fully stocked whenever we decide to shop for whatever our hearts desire. Seeing what I did just a few hours ago was indeed unnerving but not surprising. It was a harbinger of things to come and similar to what I remember about shopping in a third world country. However, I was not in some far away banana republic; it was right here, nearly walking distance from home. Just as what store shelves look like near the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf Coast when a hurricane is approaching from the sea, just three cases of water remained for sale in a huge Walmart superstore I visited. Residents from around the country are reporting the same barrenness on store shelves. Especially in demand (but out of stock) were items such as hand sanitizers, anti-bacterial wipes and soaps, surgical gloves, and masks. Now, for the first time in many years, we are watching as simple supply and demand spotlights a glaring weakness that is affecting many people. That is, that the 18-wheel transports that bring us supplies each day can’t deliver to the local stores what is actually not available. Click here to continue reading.
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I discovered Pastor Salem on TV a few weeks ago, and I really enjoy him and his messages! He strikes me as a good old-fashioned Bible preacher — the kind this world and country desperately need more of.
I am taking notes on his messages and also really enjoy the things he shares from viewers who write him, and also the things he shares about other nations and how we can pray for them.
God bless Pastor Salem, and may his tribe increase! BTW, have you noticed that he looks at least 20 years younger than he is? It seems he’s in his 90s.
Elizabeth Bennett
No mention is made on the news that N. Korea and China are two of the worst persecutors of Christians in the world, according to recent accounts. Some liberal press is defending and praising China.
Elizabeth Bennett
Thank you, Iva. Lord be with you.
Dick Leppky
AMEN! ………..Just like the song and dance they have been playing against Trump – on behalf of the Dumecrates.
Dear Elizabeth,
Have you heard of the Christian worship hour? Dr. Harold Salem preaches wonderful messages. If you go online, you can listen to his sermons at:
Preaches straight from the word of God.
He is also on tv on Sundays…the online site gives the tv channels where the sermons can be heard. God bless you and keep you safe…
Elizabeth Bennett
My son and daughter-in-law, who live in Spain told me not to go to church due to the virus, so am unhappily at home. Hope to attend next Sunday. I did my devotions and have all day to pray. It has been wet, rainy and cold here inn S. CA. Events have been cancelled here and in Spain, even school. May the Lord help us through this crisis.
John J
As long as we realize it’s not the “sovereign Gawd” who has caused this virus for “his pleasure and glory” and who is now delighting in its effects
Life happens. Panic less, be hygienic, and this virus will peter out.
As a former journalist and worker in the health profession; yes, the media is riding this thing flat. And it’s not necessary.
Born-again believers belong to God despite a virus, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, or empty shelves.
It saddens me (as viewed from my piece on this globe) how the fearmongering, liberal press in the USA is having little fits over the USA president’s precautionary measures regarding Covid-19 but full of praise for the complete shut down in Italy.
if they (the liberal media) only knew how foolish they appear to the rest of the world.
Elizabeth Bennett
I try to keep my t.v. watching to a minimum right now. There were many upper respiratory infections in my family at Christmas and New Years, even before the Corona virus was identified. Most of us were taking antibiotics for bronchitis, coughs, fever, etc. More people, including children are being affected by the ordinary flu and pneumonia than by the Corona virus. My doctor told me not to go to church right now, but of course I will. We are not shaking hands right now and my church has sanitizers on the walls. I have made a beef stew in my crockpot and invited a friend who has gone through a troublesome wk. Let us pray for our leaders and other countries that are suffering through this pandemic, that they will find the peace of the Lord during this pestilence and that people all over the world will turn to Jesus Christ as their only Savior.