LTRP Note: On the subject of Halloween, Lighthouse Trails has a Halloween Give-Away Pack that can be given to children and parents. If ordered, we will mail it right away so U.S. orders will arrive within a few days. Or you can read (and print) free online the booklet/article Halloween: A Warning to Christian Parents by former occult follower Johanna Michaelsen.
The following out-of-house article is posted for informational and research purposes.
By Linda Harvey
Mission America
(This article is from several years ago yet is even more relevant today)
So now even Playboy can’t help itself. A recent centerfold is a deceiver—a man pretending to be a woman.
It’s Halloween costume season in America, where even decadent Playboy can’t keep its mission straight and features fake news, complete with fake body parts.
You’ve probably noticed that a cultural revolution is in full swing, engineered largely by promiscuity promoters and “LGBT” advocates. It’s based on deception, depravity, subterfuge, endless dirty tricks and no treats.
So is it any wonder that Halloween is their favorite, special holiday? It’s one more reason this event is something for concerned families to avoid. Click here to continue reading.
Joseph Bell, Thank you for the link!
My brother in law’s birthday is October 31. He used to be very sad because of this. I reminded him that he should be proud that October 31, 1517 was the start of the Reformation. I tell others too. You would not believe how many “Christians” never heard of it. How many martyrs died to give us Bible’s, and people exchange the truth for a lie today to celebrate one of the most wicked holidays ever Halloween. Churches who compromise to have Halloween celebrations IN church festivals should be teaching about the Reformation thankful remembrance of the martyrs. Hebrews 11.
So thankful for the truth–our Lord Jesus Christ and His word–John 14:6 & 17:17–the truth sets us free!
More truth for Halloween–Ephesians 5:11-“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather, reprove them.” 1 Thessalonians 5:22-“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, “Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
There’s God’s way (His Word) which is narrow and leads unto life and then there is man’s way, which is broad and leads to destruction-Matthew 7:13-14.
Thank you Lighthouse Trails and Linda Harvey for standing on the truth and proclaiming the truth.
A great and perfect ending to Linda’s article–two words.
Stay away. Good counsel!
Blessings! JB
P.S.–Check out an article titled “The Catholic Roots of Halloween, the Vigil of All Saints Day” by Christopher Wells found at the Vatican News website.