1. Jeffry

    Elizabeth made a very good point about Calvinist John Piper and their Replacement Theology. Calvinists spiritualize scripture when it should be taken literally. Example: The Gap between the 69th and 70th week in Daniel’s Seventy week prophecy. The resurrection of Christ on the 17th of the month Nisan and His ascension 40 days later. Then the setting aside of the nation of Israel (Romans 11:25) .Then descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the incorporation of the Church (Acts 2). Then the mission of the Church in the preaching of the gospel worldwide. Then the removal of the Church from earth when Christ comes to the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). It should be pointed out that since the Church is not introduced until after Israel has been set aside it is clear that the Church must be removed from earth before Israel comes back into the prophetic timetable with the confirmation of the Covenant (Daniel 9:27). It is clear that the Church of the Dispensation of Grace is neither a continuation of Israel nor a replacement of Israel. The Church, a distinct entity, commenced after Israel was set aside and her history on earth closes at the Rapture, before Israel comes back into the timeline of prophecy with the signing of the Covenant. Sadly, Christians in jail face false teaching from apostate teachers and large groups of Muslims that are dangerous to Christians. We need to remember them in prayer and that they will find fellowship with other inmates.

  2. Elizabeth Bennett

    I do not know too much about John Piper, but I did find out that he believes in Replacement Theology, which takes John P. out of my realm of respected theologians. Very sad that so many young people have listened to him. He does not believe that the Jews have any special title to the Promised Land.

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