“Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’”

Rob Hoogland and his daughter (photo from The Federalist – taken in 2012)

LTRJ Note: This is a follow up article from our post on February 14th regarding Rob Hoogland, the Canadian father who has gone against court orders to try and save his daughter from sex-change treatments.

“Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’”

By Jeremiah Keenan
The Federalist

For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections. After losing his legal appeal to stop the process in January, Rob (previously anonymized as “Clark” or “CD”) is making a desperate attempt to bring his case into the courts of public opinion, even though it breaks a court order demanding his silence about the case.

“I had a perfectly healthy child a year ago, and that perfectly healthy child has been altered and destroyed for absolutely no good reason,” Rob said in an exclusive interview. “She can never go back to being a girl in the healthy body that she should have had. She’s going to forever have a lower voice. She’ll forever have to shave because of facial hair. She won’t be able to have children…” Click here to continue reading.

8 thoughts on ““Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’”

  1. Leland, of course, a sex change cannot be the end of life; God’s offer of salvation is there for anyone. But how many lives have already been destroyed by this forced madness? The girl was 14 years old when this humanistic state-sponsored anomaly started. But from where/from whom did this girl get this abnormal idea that she was a he? Unfortunately, many cases turn out to be the end of life for many (suicides); therefore, it’s good and right that this dad speaks out against this limp-wristed country’s evil ways.

  2. It breaks my heart to read of how bad It has gotten up here. . I work in the school system and I also have had a little girl come to me saying that she looks like girl but her head tells her she’s a boy. I was actually shocked at that comment. She’s so young.
    It’s so very sad. To read about this father and what he’s going through…..there are no words to describe. Lord Jesus we need your intervention.

  3. We can’t keep quiet and let them destroy our families and future generations. We need to fight for our values. And allow parents to have a voice. I took my daughter out of public school because I saw the indoctrination on this issue. And taking parents out of the picture. We can’t allow the government to dictate remove our rights as parents. It’s time to wake up before it’s too late.

  4. So tragic what is happening. The pushing of an agenda by a small minority with very harmful effects. I feel for this father. And yes he is right to fight and be a voice of reason. But I also read between the lines that this daughter is an innocent victim of a broken marriage and wonder how much this has affected her mental and emotional state in life. I pray the Lord will send gospel believing and sharing people in to the lives of this family so they may know the Saviour and what true freedom in Christ is.

  5. Amazing and heart breaking…
    State sponsored censorship, forced compliance and child abuse.
    This poor little girl will never be able to get over this.

  6. Sex change is not the end of life – there’s hope. God through Christ, redeems a lost and fallen world and He can even take our worst mistakes and turn them into a blessings for His and our glory.

    The lie is that outward change will bring inner peace. The truth is that “if any man be in Christ he is a new creation.” Man’s souls are empty until Christ comes in, and gives us new life. This is man’s great need even though he doesn’t realize it. What could be greater than to have the God of the universe come and make man’s soul His home. Let me say, there is nothing, I say nothing, that is more fulfilling,, peaceful, dynamic, life transforming than “Christ in you the hope of glory”

  7. Oh my dear lord! I feel horrible, absolutely mortified for this father. These little kids have no idea what they are doing; hence, that is why parents are there legal guardians until they turn 18! Something needs to be done! This is going to happen again and again if we do not stop this disgusting liberal indoctrination of our children in schools, the media, music and everywhere you look these days!

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