“‘Heartbroken’ RZIM Board Reports Investigation Finds Ravi Zacharias Engaged in Sexual Misconduct”

A 2-second YouTube video clip of Ravi Zacharias (2019); used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act

LTRJ Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes and is going to be difficult for some to read. Lighthouse Trails editors do not post a story like this frivolously or with malice. And we have always been cautious about publicizing the personal “private” sins of various Christian leaders. However, in the case where a highly popular and strongly followed leader has entered into the role of sexual predator (one who seeks out victims whom he may sexually exploit), we do believe the church needs to be warned so that hopefully there will be fewer victims and a more discerning church in the future.

Lighthouse Trails was criticized severely by some followers of Voice of the Martyrs when we reported (from 2012-2014) on VOM’s poor handling of their investigation into executive director, Tom White’s suicide after discovery of his sexually molesting a young girl. We know that many in the Christian church have made “heroes” out of numerous Christian leaders and organizations even to the point of idolizing them and thus becoming extremely angry when anyone dares to challenge these leaders and groups. But this is wrong, and such a mentality and practice can actually abet and create scenarios where sexual and other types of abuse can more easily occur.

The motto of Lighthouse Trails has always been “bringing light to areas of darkness.” There are few things darker than sexual abuse, and its power lies in its secrecy. We will not be part of that secrecy. In the case of Ravi Zacharias, it appears that his victims were young adult women, but in so many cases, the victims of sexual abuse are children who are almost always completely helpless to protect themselves.

by Catherine Brown

May kids [and young women] be brave enough to tell
Parents be strong enough to believe
The Church, Christ-like enough to support
America, wise enough to judge
May offenders be sorry enough to stop

“‘Heartbroken’ RZIM Board Reports Investigation Finds Ravi Zacharias Engaged in Sexual Misconduct”

By Heather Clark
Christian News Network

The executive committee of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries board of directors released a public statement on Wednesday outlining that an interim report on an investigation into sexual harassment allegations against the now-late apologist Ravi Zacharias has found “significant, credible evidence that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct over the course of many years.”

“This misconduct is deeply troubling and wholly inconsistent with the man Ravi Zacharias presented both publicly and privately to so many over more than four decades of public ministry,” the board said in the statement. “We are heartbroken at learning this but feel it necessary to be transparent and to inform our staff, donors, and supporters at this time, even while the investigation continues.” Click here to continue reading.


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Booklet: 5 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Kids From Sexual Predators by Patrick Crough

17 thoughts on ““‘Heartbroken’ RZIM Board Reports Investigation Finds Ravi Zacharias Engaged in Sexual Misconduct”

  1. Well written.
    Why churches hide and cover up this sexual perversion is beyond me. I have a few reasons though, money, it,s a job, fame, power. WHAT a disgrace to our ALMIGHTY GOD. HE will not be mocked. Let GOD be true and every man a liar. I believe GOD is bringing these sinners out into the light.

  2. Father God, have mercy on us all, for we have all sinned and fallen short of Your glory. Let us pray for one another that we wouldn’t fall into sin, for we all have a weakness and Satan knows what it is, and usually it is sexual for a man. I pray for each person that sees this prayer, especially if they are betrothed to our Lord Jesus, that we would not fail Him, for He gave His all to pay for our Salvation. Father, let us look to Jesus when we are being attacked by the enemy, and speak your Holy Word to our enemy, and seek Your face for guidance. Let us all walk in Your Love. We thank you Father that You said that You would never leave us or forsake us, let us always remember this promise. In Jesus mighty name we ask this, Amen To You Father, be all the honor and glory.

  3. There was a time when truth mattered even to the United States Justice System. Prior to the ‘Me Too’ movement the laws of most states required either physical evidence or a confession to convict someone of sexual misconduct. Now accusation equals guilt in cases that reflect our new normal. If there is any truth to any of these claims why in the world would none of his accusers have come forward prior to his death? Do you realize that as horrific as sexual abuse is it is also horrific to have your reputation and family destroyed by false accusations which are rampant these days. You will be held accountable on Judgment Day for any part you played in the perpetuation of the bearing false witness against your neighbor even if you thought you were being helpful. I urge you to pray about your lack of discernment.

  4. This is so sad for so many people. My question is “who was keeping Ravi Z accountable all those many years? Shouldn’t there have been some telltale signs that cropped up showing something was wrong.” Having massage parlors should have been a red flag in and of itself, to those who were part of his ministry and others close to him. Unfortunately many people are wowed by a highly intellectual man/woman who uses high lofty words to keep people at bay and intimidated. Many revere man and not God. Being intellectual doesn’t equate to being a spiritual person. If we read the gospel of John, which an eight grader can read and understand, is so profound describing the greatness of our Lord. John wrote to bring glory to our Lord and not himself. We should be in awe of Him and Him alone. Why? “For ALL have sinned and FALL SHORT of THE GLORY OF GOD.” “And WE BEHELD HIS GLORY…” (Romans 3:23 & John 1:14b)

    In Awe of Him


  5. That’s a great question.
    How much false doctrine can we believe and still be saved.
    Once saved always saved?
    Pre-tribulation rapture?
    Reinstinstitution of *ion on earth?
    1000 yr reign here
    heavenly kingdom or earthly?
    Need I go on?

    Only the Lord can show us that, through a thorough study of His WORD

  6. I never was totally comfortable listening to Ravi; he used a lot of big, impressive words but in the end he was living a lie. So sorry for his wife and family. Massage parlors have a bad reputation in my world. Why did he own two health resorts? So strange, many questions.

  7. heb 12-14 follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the lord. heb 12-14
    marriage is honorable marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled whoremongers and adulterers GOD WILL JUDGE. ipray for the family this is why people need to stop exalting a man who shyed away fro preaching against rome and many cults not to offend , and to life up fraud cs lewis and malcolm mug ridge all part of religious lies that do not save the sinner.

  8. Ravi didn’t repent. There was actually another federal case where Ravi hinted at suicide if his accuser told her husband about what happened. He also lied about being a doctor (it was honorary not earned), lied about where he lectured, and TWICE told Mormons that they were Christians. He was a heretic with a pleasant demeanor and scholarly style all while his ministry earned up to $16 million a year. WHY do we worship men when we have Bibles, the actual words of God??? I

  9. What IS your point?

    Sufficient for what, exactly?

    Is heinous sin, heinous sin? Should it not be exposed? Should it not be dealt with?

    Can it be forgiven? Absolutely. Nevertheless, it still has serious and often dreadful consequences, especially for the victims, but also for the victimizer.

  10. Don’t scold, I wasn’t being facetious. It was a honest question. Point or no point, the elephant in this room is habitual sin, when is the line crossed with our Father…is there a line? I can’t believe I am the only one who, after the initial yikes , then also wondered these things. I have often pondered these things, and, how much false doctrine can one believe and still be saved. I just want to get it right the first time, don’t think there is a mulligan clause here.

  11. You are right, Lighthouse. “Private sins” that have open consequences for the victims. Not funny, not Christian, like it or not.
    Jesus’ blood is not a license to thrill.

  12. If we confess our sins, he is just and able to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    Unfortunately Ravi did not confess them but hid them so it looks like he died an unrepentant man.

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