Heartfelt Letter From a Canadian Man: “Maranatha: Come Quickly Lord Jesus”

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

Here in Ontario, Canada, my wife and I personally witnessed the Covid insanity. Our Prime Minister Trudeau is now pushing a double vaxx for Covid and the flu. My wife is a Registered Nurse, and she still cannot obtain employment going on three years now because she is not vaxxed and cannot obtain a medical exemption despite the fact of a life-threatening risk to her (her medical history of taking the vaxx far outweighs the risk of “dying” from Covid). The vaxx does not stop transmission and does not stop infection as per the CDC’s own admission.

The majority of church leaders and their congregations were and are still in “lock step” with the government edicts concerning: 1) Covid; 2) the government’s stance against the Canadian truckers’ convoy; and 3) a select number of pastors who continued to open their churches. I’m not wondering any longer about how Chancellor Hitler deceived the German people into participating in “the Final Solution.”

Pro-Hamas rallies throughout the West are confirmation of the perilous times we are in. “Thank you” Martin Luther and John Calvin (so-called “revered reformers”) for passing along your Jew-hating ideas (e.g., Replacement Theology/Supersessionism) throughout so many “churches” (many which still adhere to those ideas today).

Is it even possible to find a biblical church today? Yes, there still are some, but you may have to drive/fly for many hours just to get there. All I can say is Maranatha—come quickly Lord Jesus.


Related Articles:

How to Find a Good Church (And What To Do if You Can’t)

The Jews: Beloved by God, Hated by Many by Tony Pearce

(photo from istockphoto.com; used with permission; design by Lighthouse Trails)

12 thoughts on “Heartfelt Letter From a Canadian Man: “Maranatha: Come Quickly Lord Jesus”

  1. This website and ministry will discredit itself if it keeps spreading anti-vaccine fearmongering propaganda.

  2. There is nothing wrong with the vaccines, yes they do not stop infection or spreading of sickness but they will keep you alive. Old people especially cannot survive without the vaccines. No the vaccines are not the Mark of the Beast, they do not transform you into a monster, nor are they for depopulation purposes, get a grip. I agree with the comments about the apostasy of the churches but I do not agree with what has been said about the vaccines.

  3. To Jeff,
    I am in Ontario as well,
    Totally agree with your letter.
    I am not sure about your location, if you can manage to drive to Cambridge, here we have a small little church, biblical.
    You can find details on the church locator of “rock harbor” church’s website .
    Hope I can help you or someone else maybe.

  4. I’m a bit late to this conversation but live in the most communist of provinces in Canada – British Columbia. We are in a small town and have not had a Church for over 10 years after enduring the Social gospel, Tim Keller DVDs, Replacement theology, Care groups which used be Bible studies( but the Bible was taken out) in the one Church that was sort of OK. But due to the amazing resources from online ministries like Jan Markel, Berean Call, you folks and many other teachers we are being fed , inspired and encouraged. Its not ideal but given the times we are living in we are grateful. Maranatha.

  5. If anyone looking for a solid bible believing gospel preaching church is close to Woodstock Ontario please come to
    CornerStone Baptist Church (independent)
    Graham street Woodstock. Sunday School 9.30 service 10.30.
    You will be welcomed with open arms as I was when I first attended there. You will find no big screens no noisy worldly music and no false teaching. Just a beautiful grande piano with the Pastor’s wife singing and playing it and a Pastor that is a solid verse by verse preacher.
    We also have many children and teenagers who have beautiful voices with which to sing.
    Perfect ….no….because we are all imperfect people, but you won’t regret visiting.
    If you do come look for me I will introduce you to Pastor Guenther.

    Woodstock ontario

  6. This comment is addressed to Paul and his wife from Alberta from Jeff the author of the original Letter to the Editor. I want to encourage you and your wife in the Lord Jesus Christ. I completely agree with everything you said in your comment. My wife and I also have family members who are totally deceived into believing and caught up in the prosperity gospel, NAR, “name it and claim it”, “blab it and grab it”, “health and wealth”, endless false prophecies, false teachers, slain in the spirit, fire tunnels, demonic insanity within their church. We have exhausted ourselves for years attempting to show family members so many scriptures proving what they are following is another gospel, another Jesus and another spirit (2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 11: 13-15, Galatians 1: 6-10) but to no avail. You would think you are talking to a cult member but in actual fact you are. This is NOT a doctrinal issue, it is an occult issue. These people and our family members are deceived by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1) These people and our family members MAY have been “Born Again” as per John 3, at some time in the past but they have become part of the apostasy, the falling away spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 because they worship and follow ANOTHER Jesus, exactly the same as the Jehovah’s Witness and the Mormons who follow ANOTHER Jesus. The “Charismania” occurring in the church today brings real clarity into how it was possible for “Jim Jones” to seduce/deceive over 900 people to drink the poisoned “Kool-Aid”. Is there “hope” for our family members and others who are caught up in these doctrines of devils? Absolutely!! 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
    My wife and I are increasing our prayer on our family members behalf because we are convinced that this is a much greater and far more evil and powerful spiritual battle then we can handle by attempting to reason with them. Ephesians 6: 12 tells us that we are battling on 4 different fronts. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but 1) against principalities, 2) against powers, 3) against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 4) against spiritual wickedness in high places. In closing I leave you with this scripture, Hebrews 12:1 -2 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
    2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
    May you and your wife hear the words of the Lord in Matthew 25:23 “Well done, good and faithful servant” Maranatha,…

  7. I believe we are in the end times, years ago I got a word when I was working at World Evangelism doing music and art. I got a word the Antichrist would rise from the Catholic Church. I shared it with the leaders and got rebuked. About 3 days later they came back to me and apologized, they were weeping. They did a search on the Catholic Church and found Vicarius Felii Dei or Vicar of Christ numerically comes to 666, they found the number in the Popes hat. Vatican means Divining Spirit. Revelation 13:11 says he had horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. That’s a religious man, it also says in Revelation 13:18 that 666 is the number of a man. I don’t share this often because I usually get rebuked. Also the Euphrates River has dried up as it said would happen in the last days. I’m no prophet but that’s what I got and I think time is short.

  8. Yes- masking, vaccines. 3% uptake of Covid booster in the US. Most Calvary Chapels still preach verse by verse. Some are going emergent. Ours is not! Service postings calvarychapel.ca.

  9. My wife and I live in Alberta and we feel identical to this brother. We are convinced Canada is under God’s judgment. As is most if not all of the rest of the planet. Churches are puffed up with pride as they serve the world instead of Christ. We are grieved deeply with family members caught up in the prosperity gospel, NAR, “name it and claim it” insanity within their church. Believe me its easier to talk to an unsaved person about salvation and Jesus likely than to try to convince people in these churches how deceived they are. Although most people you run into at work or neighbors, those who see what is happening in the world and are troubled. But as soon as you mention the gospel, bible prophecy or Jesus Christ (biblical Jesus Christ), they shut down and walk away. People and churches have hardened their hearts and minds toward God and they feel He is irrelevant and so they brush God off. When I see that I understand our current chaotic and twisted world is a result of turning our backs on God. I agree as well about the growing hatred of the Jews amongst “bible believing evangelical Christians?” . All very troubling absolutely. But my wife told me about a t-shirt she saw someone wearing back awhile ago. It said, “things arent falling apart, they are fallling in place”. This includes the “falling away” of the evangelical church and their love of the world. God’s judgment has already begun in our opinion.

  10. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart
    (The Lord is just and righteous in all His ways)
    Lean not unto thine own understanding
    In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths

  11. Wow, can I relate to this entire article. My entire family fled a west coast state, because of the mandates. You and me both, are no longer wondering how: “I’m not wondering any longer about how Chancellor Hitler deceived the German people into participating in “the Final Solution.”.

    What’s so grievous to me is seeing so many that call themselves, ‘Christians’, go right along with all of it.

  12. In a backdrop of a world seeking and promoting suicide… a signature of the demonic… my hope is… “I shall set glory in the land of the living;”. As you say… we ask and wait for HIs return.

    Ezekiel 26:20 When I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit, with the people of old time, and shall set thee in the low parts of the earth, in places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that thou be not inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living;

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