The Herald Sun of Durham
Associated Press
DURHAM, N.C. The room is about the size of an office. In fact, it once was an office. A wall is lined with cabinets and bookshelves. Another wall has a small Buddhist altar. A Hindu symbol is painted on the third wall, in front of which is a low altar. The fourth wall is the door.
It’s not a large space, but it is a significant one. It is the first time a room has been dedicated to the use of Hindus and Buddhists at Duke University. Another smaller room across the hall serves as an office for both groups.
The space became available after a shuffle in the Religious Life offices occupying the lower level of the Bryan Center, accessed best by the glassed in stairs visible between the parking garage and main entrance.
For the Hindu Student Association and the Buddhist Community at Duke, the rooms of their own are a welcome and long-awaited place at the table at a historically United Methodist institute of higher learning. Read more:
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