Holocaust Remembrance Week – Lighthouse Trails Remembers For One Decade

starHolocaustIn 2004, two years after Lighthouse Trails began, we signed a contract with Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman (and co-author Jan Markell) for the book Trapped in Hitler’s Hell. It was the beginning of a so-far ten-year remembrance of the Holocaust,  Since Anita’s book (which we published in 2005), we have also signed a publishing contract with Holocaust Dutch resistance worker Diet Eman and one with the Corrie ten Boom Fonds for one of Corrie’s books (Corrie was also part of Dutch resistance to Hitler).  We have since added a number of DVDs, books, and booklet tracts to our “Remembering the Holocaust” collection. You may see that collection by clicking here.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of when the Holocaust began. Many young people today don’t even know what the Holocaust is. And shockingly, there are those who deny it ever took place. If your children or grandchildren do not know what the Holocaust is, we hope you will consider sharing with them the books and DVDs Lighthouse Trails has made available. It’s a time in history that should never be forgotten, and it’s an event that could easily repeat itself one day.

Below is a 10-minute clip of Anita Dittman’s testimonial DVD where she spoke in front of a live audience: