“How Dangerous Are the Anti-Israel Conservatives?”

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Jonathan S. Tobin
Jerusalem News Syndicate

On the main stage of American politics, the lines of debate about Israel and the Hamas atrocities of Oct. 7 have been clear. Almost all Republicans and most Democratic officeholders support the Jewish state in its necessary war of self-defense against Islamist terrorists who seek its destruction and the genocide of the Jewish people. Much of the Democrats’ left-wing base disagrees with progressives being the loudest voices raised against Israel. They also have supplied the ideological foundation and the activist passion behind the surge in antisemitism that has been on display on the streets of America’s cities and college campuses in the past six weeks.

The political left has become the primary engine of the spike in Jew-hatred, while most of the political right has become even more closely aligned with support for Israel during this crisis. It would be untrue, however, to claim that there are no exceptions to that rule. Though they don’t reflect the overwhelming majority of American conservatives, there is a small but highly influential group on the right that is not only unsympathetic to the Jewish state but providing intellectual cover to those openly engaged in antisemitic invective and demonization of Israel and its supporters. Click here to continue reading.

2 thoughts on ““How Dangerous Are the Anti-Israel Conservatives?”

  1. I am wearing a bracelet that says, I stand with Israel, on it. Took my cousins wife to lunch last week, very conservative, Trumper, not a Christian; she blew up at me at lunch when she seen what I had on. Why would I want to support a country with such a corrupt government. Blew my mind. I started to tell her why and she yelled at me, waving her hand and said, I know the bible. I just changed the subject, hated to make her walk all the way home. A close friend has had a couple similar experiences, she is wearing the same bracelet!
    Jesus said a house divided against itself will fall. God said, you divide my land, I will divide you, essentially. I can see all this clearly now for sure with all that has gone on the last few years. Sad.

  2. How dangerous are the anti-Israel “Christians?” I know plenty! It is truly discouraging when they supposedly have the same Bibles and don’t see what God says about Israel. But really, they don’t read the same Bible’s. One of the popular translations people are reading is the NLT, look what it says, “I will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will judge them for harming my people, my special possession, for scattering my people among the nations, and for dividing up my land.” Joel 3:2 NLT. Notice, no mention of Israel. Then there is replacement theology, (which most conservatives are into because of the New Calvinism/Presbyterian false doctrine) and lies told by false prophets. Then there is the New Agers who are warmly invited to the Trump rallies who are speakers, and whom they pray together with. I truly believe people believe what they want to believe, they are uncorrectable. Even when you show proof from God’s word, they reject it. Dangerous New Agers at Trump rallies, and the freedom and truth movement! Sasha Stone, and Catherine Austin Fitts are just 2 of the many.

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