1. Abraham George

    Thank you for this informative blog. Bible believing churches can be found by either searching on the net by joining prayer groups. I go to Dubai City Church http://www.thedubaicitychurch.org/ . It is a bible based church in Dubai committed to equipping believers to function as part of the body of Christ.

  2. Nicole

    Thank you so much for this article. I have been seeking and praying for a bible believing church and it’s been tough. In the last 8 years I’ve regularly attended 4 churches (visited several others) and at some point in each of these churches the leadership has said and done questionable things. I tithed more; prayed more; had more faith thinking this is what I had to do. This is what I was being taught but I was dying spiritually and losing any resemblance of faith I had. I was not 100% knowledgeable about NAR, Word of Faith, seeker-friendly, purpose-driven, Willow Creek teachings (I was only aware of the term prosperity gospel) but I later found out that each of those churches I attended subscribed to one or more of those teachings. If you have any great church recommendations for the Greater Baltimore, MD area please, please, please send that info. to me. I’m desperate for a church for myself and my young daughter. Thank you so much.

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