LTRP Note: For over two years, Lighthouse Trails has been tracking the story of the lesbian-turned-born-again-Christian, Lisa Miller, and her little daughter, Isabella. Over a year ago, Lisa went into hiding after a Vermont judge ordered her to hand over her daughter to her former lesbian partner who had no legal rights to the child. Now, a book has come out telling the story of Lisa and Isabella Miller. Though she still remains in hiding, while the FBI is frantically trying to find her to appease homosexual activists and lobbyists (as if they had nothing better to do with their time and taxpayer’s money), Lisa’s lawyer wrote the story on her behalf. Lighthouse Trails may start carrying the book after we review it. In the meantime, copies can be obtained through Amazon.
By Matthew Hoffman
Lisa Miller, an ex-lesbian who made national headlines during her battle to protect her daughter from a custody transfer to her former sex partner, is now telling the story of her struggle through a book by one of her attorneys, Rina Lindevaldsen.
“Only One Mommy: A Woman’s Battle for Her Life, Her Daughter, and Her Freedom” (New Revolution Publishers, 2011), gives readers new insights into Miller’s inspiring odyssey from abused and neglected child, through the horrors of sexual and chemical addictions, to redemption through faith in Jesus Christ.
Miller’s final act of bravery was her decision to enter into hiding with her child, Isabella, to escape her former lesbian partner Janet Jenkins, who was successfully seeking to transfer custody of Miller’s daughter, Isabella, to herself. Although Miller remains in hiding, she speaks to readers through journals and letters left with her attorney, and through Lindevaldsen’s own narrative.
At the root of Miller’s nightmarish childhood were two elements: contraception and divorce. Miller’s early memories are filled with the bitter reminder that her mother, who was using birth control at the time she conceived Miller, had not wanted her.
“Whenever my mother was mad at me, she would pull out the oval peach colored pack of birth control pills that she had saved all those years to show me that only one week was missing, and that was the week she got pregnant,” Miller writes.Click here to continue reading.
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