LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. Because we are a research ministry, we do post news articles from various secular and Christian sources along with our own in-house articles if we believe our readers can benefit from the information. While The Epoch Times and some of the other out-of-house news sources from which Lighthouse Trails posts are not Christian companies, we have found that some of these sources have strived to present information in a truthful, documented, and non-biased manner. As the editors at LT have always said, no matter what you are reading, whatever the source, read with discernment, wisdom, and a desire to weigh all things against God’s Word.
By Mimi Nguyen Ly
The Epoch Times
Iceland will lift all public COVID-19 restrictions starting Friday, saying that herd immunity is the way out of the pandemic.
“We are returning to normal life but the virus is still with us,” Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir told reporters on Wednesday, reported AFP. She said the country may impose new restrictions if needed, such as if a new variant emerges.
The country’s minister of health, Willum Þór Þórsson, said in a statement, “We can truly rejoice at this turning-point, but nonetheless I encourage people to be careful, practice personal infection prevention measures, and not to interact with others if they notice symptoms.” . . . A total of 60 people in Iceland have died due to COVID-19. Click here to continue reading.
(photo from Wikipedia; copyright by NordForsk/Kim Wendt from Norway; used with permission)
William Diller
Good to see some real science finally coming into play.