Ichabod Revisited

By Roger Oakland

Several years ago, I wrote a commentary that created a huge controversy. Some who read the commentary took it personally and thought I had written the article to specifically fire a missile over the bow of the leadership I was most familiar with.  While I can see now why they would come to this conclusion, when I wrote the commentary, this was not my objective. I was trying to wake these leaders up so they would recognize the error of their way, repent, get things right, and be a lighthouse in these Last Days.

Sometimes God speaks to his servants to warn others. Certainly, this is proven over and over again through the testimony of the Old Testament prophets. Sometimes those who were being warned listened, but in most cases, they did not. Judgment always followed.

I wrote Ichabod in 2007 because I was compelled (I believe by the Holy Spirit) to warn many that I knew and loved about the apostasy that has now swept so many denominations and other groups. In many cases, these groups have now sold out to the ecumenical movement that leads to Rome and the One World religion.

Rather than Christian leaders and pastors recognizing that the Holy Spirit had departed from many churches and denominations, they themselves were swallowed up by strong delusion, and the march towards apostasy continued. Few have been bold enough to say anything because they do not want to rock the boat.

As we near the end of 2011, we will make one more plea for those who still believe they are serving God, when instead they are abandoning His Word either through their actions or their silence or both. This is why we are republishing the commentary Ichabod.

Maybe there is still time for some to wake up. Click here to read the original Ichabod article by Roger Oakland. Roger discusses the “Ichabod” article and what took place after he wrote it in his new book, Let There Be Light.