“Ignore President Biden, Here’s What Is Really Happening in Israel”

LTRP Note: The following out-of-house news article is posted for informational and research purposes.

By David Harsanyi
The Federalist

President Joe Biden has reportedly asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop pushing through a “divisive” judicial overhaul bill amid protests.

This is the same Biden, incidentally, who crammed through a massive, highly “divisive,” generational spending bill with zero votes from the opposition; the same guy who regularly rules by unconstitutional executive diktats; and the same guy who has done more to delegitimize the Supreme Court than any president in modern history. Not exactly the moral high ground.

In any event, the president is concerned. As is The New York Times, which reports, “Israel’s Parliament passed a deeply contentious law limiting the Supreme Court’s ability to overturn decisions made by government ministers.” What the Times means is that there is a new law limiting the judiciary’s ability to unilaterally declare legislation “unconstitutional” without using any legal justification whatsoever. Click here to continue reading.


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