IHOP-KC’s Mike Bickle: “There’s no biblical definition for contemplative prayer”

By John Lanagan
The Word Like Fire

“It has been with great dismay that I have watched one Christian leader after another succumb to the appeal of contemplative spirituality,” states Ray Yungen in A Time of Departing. (pg.184)

Some, like IHOP leader Mike Bickle, have been involved with contemplative prayer for decades. During the Passionate Pursuit Conference in 2001, Bickle gave his sermon, Contemplative Prayer: Journey Into Fullness. In this teaching, he revealed a truth about contemplative prayer. He stated, “There’s no biblical definition for contemplative prayer.” [1]

Bickle is correct. There is no biblical definition whatsoever. The counterfeit church will engage in this practice wholeheartedly, will have wonderfully deceptive spiritual experiences, and will follow the false, contemplative “Christs” that come to them in the silence of this meditative state. Click here for endnotes and to continue reading.

Related Reading:

Mike Bickle “Want[s]” Contemplative Mysticism Book to be “the manual for IHOP–KC.”

The Perfect Storm of Apostasy – An Introduction to the Kansas City Prophets and Other Latter-Day Prognosticators

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

4 thoughts on “IHOP-KC’s Mike Bickle: “There’s no biblical definition for contemplative prayer”

  1. Mike Bickle has been channeling the same spirit led revelations as 16th century occultic Jane Lead for 40 years. Bickles Davidic wars and Leads Wars of David, their “showers of the spirit”, Bickles Elijah List and Leads “Elijah Warriors” , the lust for manifestations, the ‘Warrior Bride” of Jesus, The “spirit” impregnating the Church so as to “birth” the “new Corporate God Man”, which is thousands of “believers” incarnated as Christ, the endless shared occultic “revelations” and yet the masses follow this man. He is bringing in the One World Church and I believe Jesus will say “Depart from Me I never knew you.” RUN from Mike Bickle!!

  2. Susan,
    By definition, biblical is relating to or contained in the Bible. No need to guess.

  3. Emergents are substituting Contemplative Prayer and Spiritual Formation for the Bible and real prayer as shown in the scriptures. For them Jesus and the Bible are not enough. The Emergent cult is a false faith based on works, not on the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. If it’s not in the Bible I guess it’s not biblical. Forcing that on your employees is just not right to lead them in an unbiblical direction. You will be held accountable before the Lord if you do this ….now that should be a sobering thought.

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