‘Increasingly Aggressive’ Atheists Target Children in New Evolution-Promoting Book

Photo: Amazon
Photo: Amazon

By Garrett Haley
Christian News Network

An evolution-propagandizing illustrated children’s book is drawing praise from the secular community and currently ranks as a best seller on Amazon.com.
“Annabelle & Aiden: The Story Of Life” is a 26-page children’s book that was published last month. Advertised as an “inspirational storybook” that will help kids “gain a basic understanding of evolution,” the book walks readers through the history of life according to Charles Darwin.

Featuring a “wise owl” who describes evolution to two young girls named Annabelle and Aiden, the book proselytizes evolution using rhyming text and whimsical illustrations.

“Why do we look the way that we do? With hands and feet in neat sets of two?” asks Anabelle in the book’s opening pages. “What made my eyes? And what made my nose? And the shape of my body from my head to my toes?” Click here to continue reading.