1. Chas

    “As the young man read them, they seemed to burn their way into his very soul. He saw himself as the lost sheep that had taken its own way. He saw Christ as the one on whom the Lord laid all his iniquity, and he bowed his head and told Him he would trust Him as his own Savior.”

    That’s how it works; simply trusting in Christ as Savior. No “lordship salvation” nonsense about “making a commitment”, “turning from sin” or any other self-reliant corruption of the Gospel. He just turned from reliance on himself, then received the free gift of eternal life as it is offered: without cost to the one who abandons all attempts to make some kind of payment and instead simply believes!

  2. What a wonderful Testimony! I too know a man that I met only once on this earth, but I am certain I will meet him again in Heaven.

    In November of 1979, during the Iranian hostage situation, I was on a special mission to Yuma, Arizona… As I was leaving my barracks another Marine came up to me and handed me a Bible and said, “Here, I think you need to read this.”
    I did take his advice and started reading the Bible… And THAT event marks the beginning of my commitment to God and His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ! And by the grace of God, I will continue unto the end!

  3. Kathy Gerry

    Harry Ironside was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was willing to share it with anyone, anywhere and anytime. I should be willing to do likewise.

  4. Elizabeth Bennett

    Beautiful story in Harry Ironside’s fruitful Christian life! Thank you. Not all delays are bad. God had a reason.

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