LTRP Note: As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails has been following and reporting on Lisa and Isabella Mille’s story for nearly ten years. It was then that Lisa and Isabella fled America and went into international hiding. Lisa did this in order to protect her daughter. The following is from the 419Fund website which helps raise support for Isabella on her return and also for Philip Zodhiates who is in federal prison serving a three-year sentence for driving Lisa and Isabella to the Canadian border. (Click here for more photos of Isabella.)

Lisa and Isabella Miller

Isabella Miller will be 18 on April 16, 2020.

When she was 9, her mom fled the United States with her for parts unknown to everyone except the people that helped them escape the judicial tyranny of the Vermont Federal Court.

Let’s hear the story in Isabella’s words: “You see, my mother (before I was even a thought) had a lesbian relationship with another woman and they went to Vermont to get a civil union because same-sex marriage had not yet been legalized in Virginia. I was born in Virginia in 2002, and my mom, Lisa, is my birth mother. Janet Jenkins was ‘my other mother.’

“Something marvelous happened to my mom – she was gloriously saved and became a committed Christian, leaving the homosexual lifestyle, dissolving the civil union, and that’s when all the trouble began.

“Janet wanted visitation with me. She wasn’t my real mom; she wasn’t even a relative; in fact, given the opportunity twice, she refused to adopt me. So the court battles began – first, in Virginia, then in Vermont, then in Virginia, then in Vermont and on and on.

“Visitation was set up and began erratically and haphazardly – missed visits, miscommunications. Finally, there were unsupervised visitations. As a 7-year old, I started wetting the bed, having nightmares and wanting to commit suicide; I was under terrible emotional distress, which the courts totally ignored.

“My mom stopped the visitation. The judge in Vermont was not happy, and he was going to give me to Janet as a result of my mom’s disregard for the court orders.

“On September 27, 2009, my mom and I fled the country.”

Isabella can return to the U.S. when she is 18 and would need support for school and living expenses. 419 Fund has created a Funding Opportunity to support Isabella when she returns to the United States free from the courts. If you would like to contribute, 419 Fund and Lisa and Isabella would be very grateful. Donate Now


  1. So thankful that God kept Isabella safe from an abusive woman. Seriously, who takes naked baths with a child and has p0rn playing when the child is present? Jenkins was grooming Isabella.

  2. Isabella, I have prayed for you just now … and I pray that God will help me remember you in prayers.
    May God continually bless you and your loved ones.

  3. I pray that Isabella and her real mom will be safe in the U.S. and that the man who helped them will be released from jail. In this evil world right is wrong and wrong is right. So much injustice everywhere!

  4. Happy Birthday, Precious Isabella.

    America totally failed you and your mother.

    We have prayed often for you both.

    We have also prayed for the American heroes (and their families) who faithfully served Christ by loving you as themselves.

    We rejoice with you in God’s blessings in your lives.

  5. How heinous for our DOJ to allow our Courts to turn the case of a vulnerable, violated child into an unjust political vendetta.

    How inexcusable for our DOJ to allow our Courts to punish American citizens for aiding a hurting, traumatized child whom U.S. judges had already put at further risk of malicious harm from an attested to child abuser.

    How unconscionable for our DOJ to allow homosexual bullies to abusively exploit an innocent child already dealing with lifelong effects of abuse trauma.

    How can America ever give Isabella her childhood back?

    U.S. DOJ, please deal with the crucial issue of court mandated child abuse which leaves an abused child with no recourse but a destroyed life.

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