1. Woodrow Short

    Jerusalem has always been the capital of Isreal for 2000 thousand yrs. And anyone who tries to change that to a universal site are in for a rude awaking. The USA had better wake up and embrace the jews and their land before GOD destroys us as a nation. You don’t mess with GOD and HIS people.

  2. Bill

    Thank you Bill. Interesting how kingdom now theologians still won’t reject their views. Pride makes people embrace just about anything I guess. Replacement theology is bankrupt in converting Jews, Muslims, Catholics, JWs, Mormons, and agnostics. I pray for pastors around the world to preach on prophecy like never before. Lord make use of Your powerful word and open eyes and ears to receive the love of Your truth.

  3. Jeffry

    Another excellent up to date article by Brother Bill. How many countries including America is now hostile towards Israel for defending itself against their enemies? Dear Christians please pray for them. The last reference to “ The Day of The Lord “ in the New Testament is ( Second Peter 3:10 ). Peter in this solemn verse is describing the final event in the “ Day of The Lord “ the last great act of Judgment which will embrace this planet and atmosphere. Dear Christians, how close is the Rapture? Peter tells us to be more Holy. We should be more interested in the world to come than the present. We should be more diligent. We should be more concerned about the Salvation of the lost. We should be more keen to read and study the Bible as often as we can. To remain steadfast in this worsening world of corruption. We should most of all things to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray Christians Pray.

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