1. Martha trionfo

    Thank you for your very very insightful and truthful article!

    How can we best pray for a friend who once walked with Jesus and after a decade strayed to the new age philosophies! Thank you!
    I am very concerned for my friend.

  2. Paul McGowan

    Excellent article – much needed information. The Enemy excels in half truths and works on the mind. Walk in the Spirit and you will discern the Truth.

  3. CW

    “what does, go into your closet and pray to the Father mean?” Judy, when Christ Jesus said this, He simply meant for us to go to a quiet place and pray to the Father, as He did throughout His life and ministry on earth. The main issue I see is, Do all the “revelations” which people receive in their quiet time line up with the Holy Bible, the Word of God? Or do they introduce or confirm non-Biblical ideas which often lead people astray? This, to me, is the crux of the issue.

  4. Andrea

    had to skip over some of the quotes because I do not really want to even know why they teach these things…also a false teaching is that you have to have a quiet time relationship with Jesus in order to be healed…the more feelings you have the more you will be healed…I’m not sure that’s grace from what Jesus did on the cross.

  5. Judy Knecht

    what does, go into your closet and pray to the Father mean? please study the great saints like st Teresa of avila..she and her advisors discern spirits while seeking God as light and lovein her soul, not in words or thoughts or images.

  6. David Seregow

    Thank you for this excellent article. It clearly explains why the silence, as often wrongly taught, opens the door to demonic spirits. and eventually leads the practitioner away from God not closer to God. Thank you for all of your excellent work. I regularly point people to your site and to your resources. You are in our prayers.

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