One Comment

  1. GJ

    A remnant to a multitude… is how God chose for humanity to grow… His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) (Exodus 32:13). If we deny this… we support the annihilation of humanity.

    In context of the debate, and the other issues you give us warning on (thank you for your diligence)… I saw the referenced article in my email this morning. Seems relateable to the times.

    “And a Goat Shall Lead Them”… in more ways than one… in politics, the professing “spiritualized church”, and the other ways to “aid and abet” a guilty conscience.

    Judas Goats: Agriculture’s Bizarre, Drug-Addicted Masters of Deceit Once Ruled the Killing Floor

    In one of the most bizarre spectacles in agriculture history, nicotine-addicted Judas goats once led sheep to slaughter down livestock’s version of the green mile. The aptly named Judas goats, rewarded with a single cigarette for every herd of sheep deceitfully escorted to the killing floor, were once key players in meatpacking plants.

    It strains credulity to envision the surreal parade of a lone goat leading sheep across a meatpacking facility, coaxing the flock up concrete ramps, delivering the herd beyond the point of no return, and then hustling toward a nicotine fix and a repeat performance. However, Judas goats were part-and-parcel of livestock slaughter, and their history sheds a fascinating light on a bygone era. Betrayal by bleat and tobacco.

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