John MacArthur No Longer on Proclaim 19 Speaker Line Up “Due to Illness”

A Lighthouse Trails reader brought to our attention this week that John MacArthur is no longer appearing on the speaker line up for the NRB’s convention, Proclaim 19. Editors at Lighthouse Trails called Grace to You (MacArthur’s ministry) to confirm this and were told that due to illness, John MacArthur would not be speaking at Proclaim 19.

In an article in October 2018, Lighthouse Trails reported that the Proclaim 19 speaker line up included New Age sympathizer and devout Catholic Roma Downey along with evangelical leaders Rick Warren, Greg Laurie, and John MacArthur. Our article stated:

Roma Downey, who has never renounced her extensive New Age involvement, is now firmly entrenched and aligned with contemporary Christian leadership. Because Christian leaders and day-to-day believers have given Roma Downey a get-out-of-the-new-age free pass, Lighthouse Trails is releasing a second Roma Downey booklet today. This booklet emphasizes the danger of Downey’s most recent book, Box of Butterflies, which has been incrementally and dangerously endorsed by a wide variety of Christian leaders (listed in the booklet). In addition, a number of Christian leaders such as Rick Warren, Greg Laurie, and John MacArthur will be speaking at an event in 2019 called Proclaim 19, and Roma Downey is also one of the speakers. While some say this is no problem for this mixture of speakers at a Christian event and is only a faulty premise of guilt by association, we believe such actions by Christian leaders only give the New Age/New Spirituality further admittance into the church. Of course, many disagree with our calling out and challenging Christian leaders on such matters.

Two weeks after our article came out, Roma Downey disappeared off the speaker list for Proclaim 19 but the NRB did not make a public announcement as to why she no longer appeared on the list. Phone calls to NRB have never provided a definitive answer as to whether Downey will be at the event or not.

Proclaim 19 begins next week in Anaheim, California.

Related Information:

Francis Chan Warns Those Who Criticize Christian Leaders: “God Will Destroy You”

Dear Pastors and Christian Leaders—Have You Grown Careless Toward the Gospel?

Christian Leaders – A New Openness . . .

13 thoughts on “John MacArthur No Longer on Proclaim 19 Speaker Line Up “Due to Illness”

  1. I agree ,John MacArthur preaches the Bible. He is not into New Age . I was introduced to the dangers of the New Age by Constance Combey’s book “Hidden Dangers Of the Rainbow” back in the 80s, and have investigated it ever since.

  2. When I investigated this information, I discovered that John MacArthur was not taking stage WITH other pastors or speakers. He was not expected to agree with any of the other speakers there. He preaches the Bible and I do not consider him guilty “by association”. He was going to be there to proclaim the gospel, not to endorse anyone.

  3. Forgot to mention that Roma is also doing work with Jesus Calling’s Sara Young & Pure Flix co -owner Andrea Logan – White…who has a blog about how she has become a Holy Yoga instructor…

  4. David Jeremiah has also come to promote & endorse Mark Burnett & Roma Downey.

    Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah
    58K Views · about 5 years ago

    We believe if you watch Dr. Jeremiah’s interview with Mark Burnett and Roma Downey about A.D. The Bible Continues you will see their passion to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the formation of the early Church to a secular world on NBC. This groundbreaking opportunity to reach prime time television with the message of Jesus Christ is unprecedented.

    When Mark and Roma asked Dr. Jeremiah to write two books on Acts to support the biblical accuracy of this series, he was honored to do so.

    Our involvement with Mark Burnett and Roma Downey in this particular project, A.D. The Bible Continues, is solely to promote what we believe is family friendly programming based on the Book of Acts that will lead many to the Word of God for life-transforming answers to their spiritual questions.

    Please join with us in asking God to bless the teaching on the Book of Acts, for the next twelve Sunday mornings, on Turning Point Television.

  5. That was a big mistake for John MacArthur to line up with Rick Warren , Francis Chan and sorts, He has some repair to do.

  6. The False Deception is not everywhere….
    Our sermons and teachings are from the Bible and we defer to God’s Word for correction and guidance. We continually pray for our pastors, elders and their families. God has surely protected their hearts and minds. I thank God for them. San Jose CA.

  7. I recently joined your site on FB and am so pleased to read a number of articles and posted information that have opened my eyes to a number of issues I have had with the churches I have attended and left due to different reasons. The movement I have concerns about is the NAR movement as I do follow Francis Chan and some of his teachings. I also have come out the house church movement and the Jesus Movement. Every time I turn around there seems to be more and more issues with modern North American Christianity adopting more and more practices that seem wrong. I have been a committed Christian since 2001 and live in Canada. My background is Canadian Baptist.

  8. The False Deception IS now everywhere ,and in all churches to varying degrees. Things that never would have been tolerated 30 years ago are now commonplace.
    This is how far we have fallen . When there is National repentance amongst God’s people, then and only then will we see an outpouring of The Holy Spirit in the Salvation of the lost. The Lord himself said that the Holy Spirit is come to convict the world of sin and of righteousness. So we know this IS true, Because God cannot lie. The PROBLEM IS , there IS no preaching of SIN AND OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. When a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, they have a desire to walk in Go;ds ways, to love His WORD, his people, and to Evangelize.
    When I was growing up our church would go door to door, and hand out tracts, and we were prepared with the Gospel and we were given over to prayer .
    How many churches nowadays even have ;
    1 evangelism training? and the members doing this?
    2. Regular prayer meetings, with fastings?
    3. Have sound teaching? that calls what God calls good. good? OR what God calls evil, evil?

  9. DMG, it wasn’t the reader who told us he was not attending “due to illness”; it was Grace to You who told us that. The reader just let us know he wasn’t on the convention speaker line up anymore.

  10. Curious as to the news source on MacArthur being ill? (aside from the Lighthouse reader) Is this a fact? Thank you.

  11. Ezk. 33 The word of the Lord came to me:
    When a watcher on the wall fails to warn the city that he sees the sword coming upon them, God will require the blood of the slain upon watchman’s hand.
    If Ezekiel fails to warn the people against committing iniquity and they die in their iniquity, their blood i will require at your hand.
    So will it be for all shepherds who fail to expose every wolf in sheep’s clothing. If one of your sheep is led off of the narrow path onto the broad road, their fate will be upon their shepherds hands. God will not excuse their silence on judgment day.
    LHTR is like the good watchman that blows the trumpet of warning, unlike the shepherds that will not renounce the false teachers and deceivers of the brethren. Those who do not heed the warnings their guilt remains on their own hand.

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