“Judge Bans Business Owners From Stating Christian Beliefs”

By Bob Unruh

A federal judge has affirmed a Colorado law that effectively bans business owners from freely expressing in public their religious beliefs about marriage and homosexuality.

Colorado was the loser in a similar dispute, the Masterpiece Cakeshop case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the state show “hostility” to the Christian beliefs of Jack Phillips in its handling of his refusal to make a cake for a same-sex wedding. Since then, openly homosexual Democratic Gov. Jared Polis has pursued a gay-rights agenda that includes allowing people to indicate their sex on driver’s licenses according to their “gender identity” and banning counselors from helping young people who want to rid themselves of same-sex attractions. Click here to continue reading.

3 thoughts on ““Judge Bans Business Owners From Stating Christian Beliefs”

  1. From a legal standpoint, I can’t see how this will stand and not be appealed to a higher court. It directly goes against freedom of speech. And, if it does stand, then the same will go for the leftists who publicly denounce any change or freedom from homosexuality of Christians who believe, thereof. I lived in Colorado for several years and I can say that not all of them are liberal leftists. Colorado Springs, where I lived, is ultra-conservative; a religious mecca and headquarters to several Christian ministries.

    I speak as one who was set free from nearly 30 years of bondage to homosexuality by the power of Christ. And, I for one, will never be silent. I don’t care who tries to silence me or what they do to me.

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