As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails began supporting the Understand the Times (Roger Oakland) missions outreach – Bryce Homes of Kenya – in 2011. Since then, many Kenyan Christian families (especially widows and children) have been assisted. Lighthouse Trails readers have been a big part of the ongoing support of this missions work. The following is June’s report written by the leadership team in Kenya. To read other reports from Kenya, for more photos, and for support information, visit Understand the Times, International.
Photo on right: The newest family added to the Bryce Home program in Kenya. (Widow Kezia)
Dear Understand the Times and Lighthouse Trails readers:
Greetings from Bryce Homes Kenya to all the UTT and Lighthouse Trails readers’ family. The month of June has been cool over here with averagely cloudy and partially sunny days with evening rains. What this means here is plenty of green leafy indigenous vegetables which is always a common meal on the table for every humble household. We were able to reach the widows under Bryce Homes Program and from one household to the other, we received testimonies which are acutely decorated with good deeds courtesy of the readers’ family. In 12 years, Bryce Homes Kenya has been able to have impact on the lives of over 80 widows and 170 orphan children.
Bryce Homes Kenya consists of two categories of widows: young widows who are also mothers who have had little or no education as well as the elderly widows who have orphaned grandchildren to provide for. Whereas the program provides a regular monthly support in terms of foodstuff for all the widows, Roger Oakland and the local Board that oversees the program in Kenya discovered a way of assisting young widows to get an extra income to help subsidize the monthly gifts and more so educate their children. These young widows were encouraged to engage in Small Business Opportunities (S.B.Os) through which they got a one-time support in terms of starting capital. These young widows engage in S.B.Os listed below:
- Small groceries where they sell vegetables
- Retail of fresh small fish in the open air markets
- Sewing of clothes especially dealing with repairs
- Weaving of baskets
- Molding of clay pots
- Baking of dough nuts
Through the S.B.Os, some of these widows have progressed to reach a level of self-dependency which is so encouraging. They owe their success to the readers who came in their way to start the initial support in these businesses. Upon their success, we graduate them to live a self-sustainable life as we introduce new needy cases. This arrangement has been so motivating and makes us feel it is the way to go so as to continue reaching out to as many widows as possible. Above everything else, these widows get to know Jesus and continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ by deed.
It is important to note that most of these young widows who are equally mothers have lived with HIV/AIDS after the demise of their sole breadwinners. A few cases are young women whose marriages have been broken on grounds that are beyond human solution. For instance, a mother of three who was sent away by the husband for “failure” to give birth to a male child. Due to illiteracy, some families break on such grounds, and we take advantage to reach them with the gospel of grace as we also bless them with what God makes available.
Children are our priority in this program. We thank you all for coming to their aid.
Finally, may I encourage every reader to keep on with the good work as whatever little you give brings great impact on these vulnerable but innocent children of God. The giving has proved to be so helpful over the years and we continue to share the good news to the onlookers, and this alone win souls every month.
Consolata with her grandchildren receive the support earlier this month. They were so grateful to all the readers.
Kezia with her grandchildren being introduced by Pastor Lawrence into the program to replace Pesila. At the background is the house that accommodates her with all the grandchildren.
These smiles were meant to go along way so may ALL the readers receive them in appreciation for the impact on these widows’ lives.
Agnes conveyed her greetings to the readers.
The elderly Benedetta is being assisted to receive her gifts earlier this month.
We are all grateful for the work you readers do to these households.
To read other reports from Kenya, for more photos, and for support information, visit Understand the Times, International.