Katy Perry Invited to Speak About Transcendental Meditation at Vatican Conference Along with Other Meditation Teachers

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational  and research purposes and not as an endorsement of the source or the content. It is not surprising to Lighthouse Trails that the Pope would be drawn to those who teach meditation as he is a contemplative advocate and told the U.S. Congress he considers Thomas Merton a highly significant figure in bringing about world peace (source). But with the Vatican and the Pope openly welcoming Perry and other meditation proponents to the recent “Unite to Cure: How Science, Technology and the 21st Century Will Impact Culture and Society” conference, it certainly sends out a strong message to Catholics and others that meditation plays a major role in solving the world’s problems. Dr. Mehmet Oz (one of Rick Warren’s meditation advisors) and Deepak Chopra were also speaking at the Vatican event.

A 2-second video clip of Pope Francis from YouTube; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdWZWDqhCdA)

“Katy Perry Meets Pope Francis, Speaks At Vatican Conference”

By Carol Kuruvilla
Huffington Post

Perry, the daughter of two evangelical Christian ministers, was at the Vatican on Saturday to speak at a conference on scientific advancements in health care. The three-day Unite to Cure conference is co-hosted by the Pontifical Council for Culture and gathers thought leaders from around the world to discuss the future of medicine.  . . .  The star was listed as a special guest at the Vatican event over the weekend, alongside an Italian archbishop and a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. TV personalities Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Mehmet C. Oz and Meredith Vieira also spoke at the event.

Perry was invited to speak about how a practice known as Transcendental Meditation has helped her gain control over her anxiety and stress. To continue reading, click here. 

10 thoughts on “Katy Perry Invited to Speak About Transcendental Meditation at Vatican Conference Along with Other Meditation Teachers

  1. Patrice, I read an article about her parents in a Christian magazine a few years ago. It said they are active in Christian ministry and are praying for her daily. I agree, it must be heartbreaking to be in their shoes.

  2. Her poor parents, if I they were true evangelical Christians , must be heartbroken to have one of their children go completely evil.

  3. There is more info. on this event over at the following sites: Rather Expose Them Christian News Network

  4. ***So why did the pope contact her to speak? Why would one even consider that the Pope himself is a Christian?*** Good point, William Diller. I know that he is way off track, as are all who subscribe to Catholic teachings, of which so many are clearly un-Biblical. My thought was that he would at least want to give an appearance of holiness. But then it is totally possible that he is so deluded, he does not know that TM is completely antithetical to the Christian faith.

  5. To “CW”: “This article says something a bit different, but it does emphasize that she does not claim to be a Christian. So why did the pope contact her to speak? Why would one even consider that the Pope himself is a Christian? Just sayin’

  6. Thank you for sharing that information CW. Also worth noting, the Desert Fathers (from the Catholic tradition) brought in mystical practices, really pioneering the way for contemplative prayer (i.e., mystical prayer). Then, of course, the Jesuits carried on the practices, and eventually they found their way to Catholic priest Thomas Merton and through him, into the evangelical church via Richard Foster and Celebration of Discipline.

  7. I looked up TM today and learned that it is recognized as an exercise of Hinduism. Also “In 2003, the Roman Curia (Roman Catholic group) published a warning against mixing eastern meditations, such as TM, with Christian prayer, though a 2013 statement suggests that eastern meditations can be useful.” (From Wikipedia) Interesting that they started out telling the truth about it, then changed their view. Who was pope in 2013?

  8. She has openly denied her faith and is a satanist. Online research can show evidence of this. Also google for ‘occult images’ of her.

  9. Boy, these people are so deceived! Thank you so much for sharing this information!

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