Lest We Forget: “Ex-Auschwitz medic, 95, to stand trial for 3,681 deaths”

Photo: AP; Twitter (in accordance with US Fair Use Act)

By David K. Li
New York Post

A 95-year-old man who worked as a paramedic at Auschwitz will stand trial next month as an accessory to the murder of 3,681 death camp inmates, a German court announced Monday.

Hubert Zafke, accused by prosecutors of serving as an SS sergeant in Hitler’s killing machine, is set to face justice Feb. 29 in Neubrandenburg state court.

Zafke was stationed at Auschwitz in 1943 and 1944 and would have been on duty at the notorious death camp when diarist Anne Frank and her family were sent there on Sept. 5, 1944, authorities have said. Click here to continue reading.

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