Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I want people to know one of the reasons why it’s so difficult to witness to prisoners and where they get the idea of Buddhism from. I have a relative who is in prison for various offenses for 5 years. I have been trying to witness to him. In doing that , I sent him a Bible, a Bible Dictionary, and other materials in which he says they won’t let him have. They gave him a Bible from their library. In one of his letters, he wrote that he was interested in Buddhism and said it was such a peaceful religion. As I continued to read his letter, he mentioned a book he read in prison that he liked very much ; it is called We Are All Doing Time by Bo Lozoff. In doing research, I found out this book is called the “Convicts Bible.” I was shocked. I went on Amazon and was amazed in the comments section, which one should read to find out why they all love it so much, it has an almost 5-star rating. I could not find out how many books have been sold, but I did find that many state prisons are carrying it. It seems that most all the prisons, schools, nursing homes, churches, hospitals, political & businesses, and libraries are all promoting it doing Eastern practices, meditation, and Yoga; there is no place it has not infiltrated!
It is getting so that warning people about this is making us the crack pots. I can’t comprehend it. This generation is truly in trouble.
Blessings! (Psalm 111:10) All I can say is Lord come quickly, even so come quickly.
Human Kindness Foundation Human Kindness Foundation » Prison Resources We’re All Doing Time A Guide to Getting Free (8601406140974) Bo Lozoff, Dalai Lama Books
(photo from; used with permission)
so write a book that examines Jesus’ and the Apostles’ words on kindness and fairness and so forth.
So Bibles are now banned in prison?