Letter to the Editor: Calvary Chapel Pastor Condemns Discernment Ministries

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

Below you will find a link to a message preached at Calvary Chapel Lone Mountain in Las Vegas, NV.  Please start at the 1:10:00 mark.  This is very concerning to me!!!  Many people are now leaving this church because of the attitude that permeates through this message.  I will of course be praying for this pastor that the Lord will give him discernment to see the truth.  Having said that, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your continued fight on the front lines of the battle!!!!   Your ministry is very much appreciated and prayed for!!!  God bless you for all you do in standing for the truth. And I know you are loving those who persecute you even when you are being maligned.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbDDLJOI0mw (starting at 1:10 mark)

God’s grace and blessing be upon you.  __________

LTRP Comment: We have posted this letter and link to the sermon because it helps our readers to understand the attitude that many pastors have toward ministries like Lighthouse Trails. These pastors exhibit an animosity toward those who challenge and critique popular leaders, suggesting that because these leaders draw large numbers of followers and may even lead many to Christ, they should in no wise be challenged or questioned. But according to Scripture, serious error within the church must be exposed and dealt with as it is like leaven that can corrupt the entire body. We encourage you to read Harry Ironside’s article, “Should Christians Expose Error?” and also get a copy of the booklet for your pastor. If you cannot afford to get a booklet for him, e-mail us at editors@lighthousetrails.com with his name and church address, and we will send him a copy of that booklet on your behalf. If you do e-mail us with your pastor’s name and address, his information will be kept confidential, but we will include a note saying that the booklet is coming to him at your request.

Interestingly, the founder of the Calvary Chapel movement, Chuck Smith, told Lighthouse Trails editors on more than one occasion (either by phone or e-mail) that he greatly appreciated the work Lighthouse Trails was doing. Sadly, many of his pastors would not agree with him.

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