Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I read your article this morning; the possible block for mailing out this booklet to Canada should not be a surprise, but if anyone here in Canada who has a printer and would like to share this article with others would take the time to highlight the booklet as you have posted it in its full length and transfer it to Microsoft Word, you can make your own booklet. Yes it does take time . . . I’ve done it with other articles. As long as it is taken in its completeness, including references if there are any, I don’t think you would object.
Besides e-mailing it to others in Canada is another way to distribute this information.
God bless you all richly.
Our Comments: The booklet is on our blog, and as with all our articles, at the bottom of the article is a Green Print button. This actually turns the article into a nicely formatted PDF that can be saved to a computer and/or printed. Also, here is a fully formatted PDF of the booklet especially for our Canadian readers. It is a large file and may take a few moments to download. Anyone in Canada has our permission to distribute this booklet in any way he or she would like. We published this booklet because we believe children in North America are in great danger, and we stand behind the contents of this booklet. It is not intended in any way to incite hate toward transgenders. On the contrary, we care about transgenders, knowing that God loves them and wishes for them to come to repentance (turn away from your sins) and turn to Jesus Christ. However, we cannot remain silent when helpless children are being victimized.
From our understanding of the Canadian laws, it is not a criminal act at this time to possess material with a “religious” view on transgenderism or to debate the issue publicly (in other words, while the material is still classified as “hate propaganda” by the Canadian government, it is not yet considered a criminal act punishable by fines or prison if it is in a religious context). However, with the new law in place since last year and it still in the process of being defined and interpreted, we believe the stage is set in Canada to eliminate free speech altogether on this and other (e.g., homosexuality, Islam, etc.) issues. The fact that the Canadian government is blocking the importation of materials that do debate these issues is a prelude to such a scenario.
Thank you. This will be very helpful! Can I ask where are you in Canada? Email me please if you read this comment. Love to meet believers!!!
I was thinking this too! ( ;