LTRP Note: Teaching children to meditate is teaching them to connect with demonic realms. And according to the Bible, while demons come deceivingly as “ministers of righteousness,” their “father” is the father of lies, destruction, and death. What’s more, contemplative prayer (that is becoming widespread throughout evangelical Christianity) is from the same source as mindful meditation, but Christian leaders are giving it a pass. They will be held accountable by God for allowing this to happen to the church’s children just as the public school leaders will be held accountable for what they are doing to millions of children.
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I am extremely concerned about the future of America and the Church. Your publication helped me spot a problem in my own backyard. I work for________ County Public Schools in _______. I am a part-time employee and specifically work in the library and help with lunch and recess duty. Our school is part of ________ County’s “healthy schools” program. There is an emphasis on eating and living a healthy life. Part of this living a healthy life they emphasize is mindfulness. It is in full swing in the classrooms [Healthy Schools Program is in more than 31,000 schools in the US]. I have not been asked to participate in mindfulness nor have they asked me to be part of any training; probably because of my part-time status. However, I am deeply disturbed that it is present in the school, and I have not heard one person criticize it. Every person that says anything about it praises it. Sometimes I think I am the only Christian there. I have decided that if they want me to take the training or participate, I will decline. If I lose my job because of it, I trust God to help me find another job as this will put a financial burden on my family. However, I have to put God first.
Thank you for helping me to discern that mindfulness is Satanic and something I should not participate in. I am not sure I would have understood the implications of mindfulness had I not been reading your publication.
You need help. Opening up your mind is a beautiful thing. You should try it sometime. You’re so scared, always so scared of going to hell. Wake up. Connect with the universe and world around you. Connect with other people. Come out of your shell of dogma and ideas that defy nature and logic. Seriously, the only evil is the one that refuses to see the truth that is right in front of him. Be present with the rest of us. There is absolutely nothing wrong with meditation or yoga or clearing your mind or connecting with the energies around you. It’s called being part of something bigger. You of all people should understand that concept. You really have to open your mind a little.
Tonia Rajala
I am a preschool teacher at Head Start and am very concerned as we are going to be trained in and expected to implement Becky Bailey’s Conscious Discipline. After reading about it I am discovering the use of breathing techniques and am discovering these techniques in pranayama yoga practices. It also uses the terms mindfulness. I will not engage in, or teach children these practices and am also trusting God to deliver me from this.