Letter to the Editor: Dallas Theological Seminary’s Women’s Conference Speaker, Christine Caine, Raises Concerns for Reader

Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:

Thank you for the article regarding Dallas Theological Seminary’s movement toward contemplative prayer and the New Spirituality. It was painful to read as I have relied upon their faithfulness to the Word since 1974 when I first sat under the teaching of a DTS graduate. All the teachers I listen to and know have graduated from DTS. There are many graduates here in _____, Texas and true verse-by-verse teaching has had an influence upon so many who love the truth. I have been able to discern a change even in the teachers I sit under as I hear who they quote in their teachings.

Having just read your article in the newsletter, I received this notice [see photo below] for the upcoming women’s conference. It is not surprising that it would be the women who would lack the discernment to recognize the belief system of Christine Caine [see excerpt below], but it is apparent the worldly mindset has saturated many levels of authority at DTS. I have no knowledge of the other speakers [see list below]; however, it really doesn’t matter when the keynote speaker is Caine. It is with great sadness that I have to come to the conclusion that we are truly in the time that Paul warned Timothy would come—when one of the last stalwarts of truth has fallen for the same lie that captivated the imagination of Eve—wow. “Come out of her, My people”

Thank you for your love and commitment to the truth. I do pray for you. . . .

Ann (not real name)

I. A list of the other women speakers at the DTS women’s conference (list provided by our reader – listing these is not to insinuate they are in the same camp as Caine):

Stephanie Carter
Kymberli Cook
Jada Edwards
Sandra Glahn
Bev Godby
Taryn Mays
Christen Nutter
Joy Pedrow
Terrie Pittman
Nika Spaulding

1 thought on “Letter to the Editor: Dallas Theological Seminary’s Women’s Conference Speaker, Christine Caine, Raises Concerns for Reader

  1. Christine Caine is listed at a Hillsong conference about 2019 as an Apostle.

    She has a nice charity/ outreach to trafficked women/girls.

    But listening to her speak today at Lífe.church I recognize several misstatements. She said the sin of Sodom was that they didn’t care about the poor & the needy.

    Said God only cares about our holiness & our righteousness. I agree she emphasizes what she wants to.

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