Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:
I just read your article “Sound the Trumpet” and wanted to thank you for your paragraph confronting those men in point who seem to have a corner on discernment, bulleting women of “sharp tongue” trumping their scriptural knowledge. The understanding I get is that compared to them most of us who belong to the Savior are a type of second-class members which despite the Truth (here named orthodoxy) is not far from the Roman Catholic hierarchy as in “We can’t trust the masses with Scripture.” It’s more about the light in His Words available for all of us to study, not about one’s status or gender. Indeed, He gives us teachers/shepherds to explain to and lead us, to warn us, but we have the same set-apart Spirit [the Holy Spirit]. We are not without discernment just because we are women or because we haven’t written books on things like “Justification.” These two men may not have actually meant the accusation in such a disdainful way, but this is surely a mindset of the “divinely educated,” with all due respect to the biblically learned.
Now, to the subject of your article, your teaching is that all of us come into maturity about what our Savior, the Head, does not want us to be ignorant of. Thank you for doing the exact work of teaching us we can and we must discern for ourselves, just as our Savior and the apostle Paul said.
Related Material:
Three Vital Questions to Navigating Discernment by Ironside and Proctor