Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I am a believer in Christ and consider myself a defender of the Faith. I live in a small town in ________ and attend a tiny Free Methodist church. I do not consider myself Free Methodist, nor does my husband, but we feel we have been given a unique opportunity to serve our community along with the body of Christ.
I am very bothered by the fact that our church prints an excerpt from Jesus Calling in every bulletin. I have gone to the pastor as well as an elder. My husband has also spoken against it. I have offered up resources, such as “Another Jesus” Calling, in defense of my view, and they have been rejected. I really believe the pastor believes us but doesn’t want to offend the person who writes the bulletin. Also, as in most churches, the emphasis is on growth not truth.
My husband and I have decided to hold a biblical study in our home. The study will be on discerning today’s times. If we were going to start with six classes (of triage for today’s church), what topics would you most recommend? Please suggest resources. We are looking for resources that are written in simple format, not catering to intellectuals. Something that will get right to the strongest biblical point. The members of the church we attend don’t even know what the New Age is (and I wouldn’t know myself if it weren’t for God using Caryl Matrisciana’s materials in my life.)
Elizabeth (not real name)
Dear Elizabeth,
If you are going to do six classes, we would recommend the following, in this order. These are five booklets and then a DVD series at the end. Next to each booklet is the name of a book by the same author for a more extensive study in each subject:
1. The New Age, Meditation, and the Higher Self by Ray Yungen (for more in-depth study: For Many Shall Come in My Name: It is important to first help people understand the big picture of what the New Age is and what meditation is. This booklet can help set the ground work.
2. Five Things You Should Know About Contemplative Prayer by Ray Yungen (for more in-depth study: A Time of Departing): This study will show what contemplative prayer is, will show that it is the same as New Age meditation, and will also show how it has come into the church.
3. How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging Into Your Church by Roger Oakland (for more in-depth study: Faith Undone): A lot of Christians think they know what the scope of the emerging church is, and just as many don’t know anything about it all all even though they may be surrounded by it). This study explains the most important aspects of the emerging church.
4. Be Still and Know That You are NOT God by Warren Smith (in-depth study: A “Wonderful” Deception)
5. Oneness vs. Separation Heresy Now in the Church by Warren B. Smith (for in-depth study: False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?)
6. For your final class, it might be a very good idea to present some of Caryl Matrisiciana’s Wide is the Gate series. The first one covers contemplative spirituality and the “new” spirituality (e.g. contemplative, New Age, emerging). The second one covers Reformed Theology; and the third one covers the NAR and Dominionism. There is a fourth one that deals with anti-Semitism, Replacement Theology, and “Christian Palestinianism.”
For additional materials on edification and biblical exhortation, we would recommend the following booklets:
Three Vital Questions to Navigating Discernment by Harry Ironside and Paul Proctor
Progression to Deception by Gregory Reid
The Unseen Foe Behind Rising Evil and Putting on the Armor of God by Berit Kjos
The Peace of God versus the P.E.A.C.E. Plan by David Dombrowski
Watchful and Discerning Through It All by Warren B. Smith
(illustration from; used with permission)
What first came into my mind is to read the passages in the Bible about being deceived. Take head. Be aware. So many warnings in the Bible you can not ignore. Then present your case with other materials.
Pastor is mentioned 1 time in the NT. The Greek is POIMEN which in every other case is correctly translated SHEPHERD. What is the single mission of the shepherd? Along with the Apostle the Prophet and the Evangelist they are to teach doctrine/apologetics/doctrine apologetics/doctrine/apologetics and doctrine, period. The reason why is summed up in verse 14. So that what is happening today in churches and seminaries and book stores and mass media could NOT ever deceive any of Christs sheep. Deception is tossing the sheep to and fro because “pastors” have abdicated their primary mission. They have defied this command from God with impunity and cowardice. Teachers will be judged more harshly, and that is why. Do your job right or get out and take a job in the secular world. Because if you think you are getting a crown for allowing the sheep to be ravaged by the wolves you are sadly mistaken.
Yes, I tried to start a home bible study where I live too, but no takers. Sadly, all are too content in their apostate churches. I am currently reading through Dave Hunt’s book, “What Love Is This,” and it is a masterpiece! He does such an excellent job on refuting the false teachings of Calvinism, there is no way around it, you have to be willfully blind not to see it. I highly recommend that book for all believers, it’s just good knowledge to have. Keep up the good ministries brethren! ( :
Elizabeth, I would like to also highly recommend ANYTHING by Jacob Prasch or Dave Hunt. Given your situation I suggest you start with Jacob Prasch’s books “Grain for the Famine” and “More Grain for the Famine”. The books focus on theological nutrition during the great apostasy. His books on amazon are expensive for some reason. Purchase directly from his website: Dave Hunt’s books can be found on amazon or at Both Jacob Prasch and Dave Hunt have hundreds of videos on YouTube as well should you need to go the free route. Unfortunately, I see your path as a growing and urgent necessity in these last hours. Stocking up on Grain for the Famine is vital. Praying for you and your family sister. See you both on the other side! Fellow Soldier in Christ, Nathan
Thanks for sharing this, I think this is an idea that I could do at my home.
Our fellowship posts our Studysheets online for people who are ouside of commuting range and are hungry for sound Biblical teaching. Here is a link if anyone would find this usefull. I left a Church that quoted Eugene Peterson and promoted Beth Moore. Im so happy that I found The Church were you live . We arre very small but we are very caurefull to be Biblically accurate on what is taught.
I pray you have success in this study. I used to attend a Free Methodist church years ago but when they, and their bishops, started taking on characteristics of the United Methodist denomination I left it. They used to be a great little holiness denomination but have drifted. You can still find good FM churches but they are becoming a rarity. God bless your efforts and keep up the faith!
One does not have to be a moral hypocrite to be a religious Pharisee. One does not have teach one thing and practice another to be religious Pharisee. Simply refusing heed godly council is all that it takes. Are the majority of pastors theological Pharisees? Are they guilty of bringing heresy into the church for the sake of church growth? Beware, for teachers WILL be judged more HARSHLY. Best to humble yourself and receive godly council now than to receive a rebuke from Jesus on the day of judgment. Every pastor should have this verse on their desk, “Do not think more highly of yourself than you ought”.