Dear Friends at Lighthouse Trails:
Just thought I would send a few articles from our local paper about what is going on in our part of the country. Sounds like the many issues you so faithfully address. Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s truth.
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Fresno, California “Church Calendar” Illustrates Major Paradigm Shift in “Church in America”
I’m a former Hindu now saved in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It amazes me how Jesus Christ cannot find a home in any school or public office but yoga (Hinduism) has a stronghold. Makes me very sad.
Amen ! Anna Rosa, you are spot on with your comment. Maranatha!
The only thing not welcome in any place these days seems to be the true faith; Christianity! Anything else goes, no matter how crazy. No room for Jesus at the Inn, now almost 2000 years later…. and still no room for Jesus in this world. But rejoice, He has conquered and will return to reign over all!