Letter to the Editor: Widespread Compromise by Most Pastors Leaves Reader in Dilemma

Dear Lighthouse Trails,

In regards to the first article in this week’s newsletter, I have run into this constantly. You probably don’t remember me, but I needed info 8 to 10 years ago on the Emergent Church movement and you sent me two books free of charge. I am very thankful for that. I didn’t want my ministry to go into discernment ministry, but that is a huge part of it now. I understand why now as things have gotten much worse. Discernment ministers are treated as outcasts, and it gets very lonely. I bet many of these ministers would seethe with hatred toward John the Baptist or a Josiah or Jeremiah if they think those standing for truth are so bad. Many of the big ministries have been warned for over 30 years now and don’t seem to care such as when God sent Dr. Walter Martin to TBN in 1988 and was never asked to come back. They are so blinded. I have so many family members who really do love God but are following so many false prophets so I am very outspoken against obvious heresy. Some pastors, even when you go to them one on one, will say things like, “I am not going to look behind every door for a demon.” I dealt with a pastor of a big Church of God church when Rob Bell first was getting popular, and that is what I was told. Everyone that cares now knows that Rob Bell has left Christ and is propagating so many false things.

It is sad to see so many pastors, and I say that very hesitantly, are not living up to God’s standard in the least bit as good under-shepherds. Many have pride and use the “love excuse” for a reason to not have any church discipline or discernment. The churches are loaded with leaven both doctrinally and in the lives in many. The Gospel is being so watered down that even the devil can get saved in their eyes. The same ones who talk about love so much are the first ones who will ask you to leave their churches, or let’s face it, are hoping you will leave.

What is happening in the churches today is nothing new but an amplification of all the end-times deceptions, which are many. I finally quit going to church after 36 years. I am unable to find a pastor or church that teaches God’s Word anymore, so I had to find a few on YouTube who are not compromising or okaying gay marriage or are so political that it has become idolatry. I don’t know if we should start a house church or not. I consider myself an evangelist, watchman, and teacher. I know the requirements for pastoring, and it scares me to go that route without 100% assurance that God would want me to do that.

I would appreciate your prayers and your readers’ prayers in God’s direction. I don’t feel it is right not having corporate fellowship or worship but the compromise is getting so bad.

In Christ,

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